Binding TextField to Integer based Property in Grid not working

Hello everyone,
i want to user a grid in Vaadin 8. The constructor of the grid should do the item Binding for every property in the given Model.
If i user the code below, i get the error: “java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String”.
I read multiple articles in google to find a solution for the problem, but no answer worked for me.
Please, can anybody say me how to do the DataBinding ?


public DataGrid(OrgModelCollection modelCol, Class c){ // Class which is user here is User (see code below)
List properties = this.getModelProperties(c); // The method returns the properties of the model. It’s doing fine.

    for(String prop : properties){
        TextField tf = new TextField();
        if(prop.equals("id")){                          // id is an integer Property in the User class
            Binder<T> binder = new Binder<T>(c);
            .withConverter(new StringToBigIntegerConverter("Please insert a number"))

User class:

public class User extends OrgModel{

public int id;
public String username;
public String password;

..... Getter and Setter of the properties

Hey there, maybe you want to try this approach

for(String prop : properties) {
TextField tf = new TextField();
Binder.Binding<User, ?> binding;
if(prop.equals("id")) {
binding = this.getEditor().getBinder().forField(tf)
.withConverter(new StringToIntegerConverter("Please insert a number"))
} else {
binding = this.getEditor().getBinder().forField(tf)

Thank you very much. This solution worked for me.