Hi everyone. I used Vaadin 7 a few years back and I’m trying to get used to 8. Whenever I start the app, age is showing as invalid. Please see screenshot.
Whenever I clear the fields using the following code:
The same thing happens with age. The others work, and they are STRINGS. Is it because age an integer or is my binding on the age incorrect? Please take a look. Thank you.
binder.forField(fName).withNullRepresentation(" “).withValidator(fName->fName.length() >= 0, “Cannot be blank!”)
.bind(Student::getfName, Student::setfName);
binder.forField(lName).withNullRepresentation(” “).withValidator(lName->lName.length() >= 0, “Cannot be blank!”)
.bind(Student::getlName, Student::setlName);
binder.forField(age).withNullRepresentation(” “).withConverter(new StringToIntegerConverter(age.toString()))
.withValidator(age->age > 0, “Invalid Age”).bind(Student::getAge, Student::setAge);
binder.forField(gender).withNullRepresentation(” ")
.withValidator(gender->gender.length() >= 0, “Cannot be blank!”)
.bind(Student::getGender, Student::setGender);
return this;