What would be the best way to add vaadin to an existing GWT Project and make it runnable on a tomcat server?
What folders do i have to add? What about the Widgetset… Is there a way eclipse + vaadin plugin can handle that for me?
It might not be so easy to add a Vaadin application to a GWT application. The other way around is then again possible. Maybe you could keep the two applications separate and just embed with an iframe or div the Vaadin app.
So i think I will just start a new Vaadin Project and get things done there. Thank you for your answer
I realise this is very old thread but I have a need to do something similar. Can you provide an example how to do this “just embed with an iframe or div the Vaadin app.”?
You deploy the Vaadin app and in your GWT app’s view link it as a standard remote resource/page.
You can use the
object and insert it into a Panel, like this (example taken from the GWT documentation):
public class FrameExample implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
// Make a new frame, and point it at Vaadin app.
Frame frame = new Frame("http://demo.vaadin.com/vornitologist");
// Add it to the root panel.