I’m developping an app based on the Bakery app and I’m running into a mobile login problem: after some days running on our beta server, the app works fine on desktop or tablet, but on smartphones (iOS and Android), the user is stuck on the login page.
After clicking on the login button (with valid credentials), the login page redirects to itself, whithout any error or exception, and the log show that the user is found in the database.
We just set the logger to trace mode in order to get more data, but has anyone run in a bug like this one ?
EDIT 13/09 : This morning, not working on Safari with iPad Pro, iPhone and MacOS and on Chrome on Android and Windows. It’s working on Safari iPad Air and Firefox Windows.
After more tests and log analyzes, it appears that this bug was caused by a redirection. I was using a SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler and so after login the app redirect the user to the url he was trying to access.
But the problem was that we we’re already redirecting user from “https://app-entry-point.our-site.be/” to “https://app-entry-point.our-site.be/app-name”. On Firefox, no problem. On Chrome and Safari, mobile or desktop, the lack of trailing slash cause the user to be considered out of the app, so reseted the security context. We still don’t know why it begin to crash only after a random uptime.
Finally we change the successHandler to a lambda that redirect to the main page of the app, and now everything works fine.