Hi everybody! I’m new to vaadin flow so probably is an issue that could be solved easily. So in few words, I have a SplitLaoyut in which I add the content coming from the showRouterLayoutContent(). In case the route is a particular class It’s necessary to add this content which contains an Iframe inside the second column of split layout through the addToSecondary method. The implementation is the following:
public void showRouterLayoutContent(HasElement content) {
if (this.accessControl.isAccessGranted(UI.getCurrent(), ((ContentView) content).getName()) && ((ContentView) content).getName().equals("contattaView") ) {
setLayoutCall((com.vaadin.flow.component.Component) content);
else if (this.accessControl.isAccessGranted(UI.getCurrent(), ((ContentView) content).getName())) {
setLayoutContent((com.vaadin.flow.component.Component) content);
The 2 methods setLayoutContent and setLayoutCall simply contain this logic:
private void setLayoutContent(com.vaadin.flow.component.Component content) {
private void setLayoutCall(com.vaadin.flow.component.Component content) {
Now the problem is the following. Since I have in the secondary splitlayout an Iframe with the url of a videoconference I don’t want that every time I navigate and add content to the first layout even the secondary split layout is refreshed. How can I avoid this? I’d simply want to refresh the first column of the split layout and leave the second untouched. Thanks in advance and please excuse me for the bad grammar :).