ArrayList to SerializableSupplier

java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to com.vaadin.flow.function.SerializableSupplier. This happens if I pass a parameter to a service function and cast It to SerializableSupplier eg. SerializableSupplier<List<? extends Results>>

Can you please show the code?

List findByPatientTransferOrderByElementsOrderAsc(PatientTransfer patientTransfer);

public SerializableSupplier<List<? extends LaboratoryResults>> serializablefindByPatientTransferOrderByElementsOrderAsc(PatientTransfer patientTransfer){
return (SerializableSupplier<List<? extends LaboratoryResults>>) laboratoryResultsRepository.findByPatientTransferOrderByElementsOrderAsc(patientTransfer);
View Using ReportUI
StreamResource pdf = report1.getStreamResource(“laboratory.pdf”, laboratoryResultsService.serializablefindByPatientTransferOrderByElementsOrderAsc(patientTransfer), PrintPreviewReport.Format.PDF);

What should this code do? This looks totally obscure

And how do you expect a list to be casted to a Supplier? You can use () → list instead

It should print results filtered using the patientTransfer in PDF format. It works well if you use laboratoryResultsService::findAll i.e with no filters in the service function

You can use () → list instead, do have a small sample

But what is SerializableSupplier?

That’s just a Vaadin interface which extends Supplier with Serializable :sweat_smile:

That is the whole example

In that case this will never work:

return (SerializableSupplier<List<? extends LaboratoryResults>>) 

Because the repository returns a list

You cannot cast something into something else

How do you return to a SerializableSupplier, maybe a link with more information could guide me well too not to make errors

Replace the code Simon posted with “return () ->”

Okay. Thank you

Thanks knoobie :sweat_smile: , it worked with new SerializableSupplier function as you guided.