I am building my applicaiton locally and have no problems running it.
When I export (or manually build) the WAR file and deploy to a remote Tomcat server, the application just hangs on initialization.
I see the banner message (Vaadin is running in DEBUG MODE. … ) in the catalina.out file, but there’s nothing even in the access log. I can access another application (flex based) deployed on the server.
I don’t get anything back to the web browser. It just kind of sits there. I’m at a total loss as to where to even begin to look.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: I do want to note, that I am running over https on the remote server, but http locally. I doubt that has anything to do with it (I would hope not at least), but figured I’d mention it anyway.
It’s hard to say what could be the problem, the behavior is rather unusual. What are the symptoms? A blank page? Loader icon rolling in the top-right corner? Not even that? Does Firebug show any failures in the Net view? Stop Tomcat, remove the WAR and the deployed directory from under webapps, restart, does that help?
You could try deploying a minimal Hello World application or the Vaadin Demo WAR at the
download site .
Thanks for the suggestions and the follow up.
It is odd. I’ve actually removed the war, restarted, shut down, added the war and still had the same problem.
From the browser perspective, there’s no response coming back from the server.
Strange is the type of behaviors I tend to elicit from systems
Thanks again and let me know if you can think of anything – j2ee library difference maybe? There’s nothing that I can think of which would cause this type of behavior. I’m not seeing any exceptions or any web server failure.
Well, the good news is this actually isn’t a Vaadin problem. I put in some more debugging and it looks like the it’s actually the prepareCalll method is hanging when I’m loading up some resources. It doesn’t happen when I run it locally and no exception is being thrown.
So if anyone has some points as to what would cause that would be helpful.