AI Related vaadin application

Hi guys,

Nowadays,the more trending is AI(Artificial INTELLIGENCE).

so,is there any AI related starter vaadin application?
if so please provide the link that will be useful for me to learn AI in vaadin framework.

thanks in advance.



what kind of AI are you thinking of?


Olli Tietäväinen:

what kind of AI are you thinking of?


Machine learning based AI…

Coukd You provide me the link related about vaadin with AI.??

How about this one:

olli san,

yes.Thankyou so much for the above comment.

could you provide me the git hub project link for vaadin ai project??


Here’s the GitHub for the above add-on, there’s a demo view under /test/:

olli san,

by cloning this repo locally, Is possible to run this demo?by using mvn jetty run or mvn springboot:run plugin???

if so i will run this one locally and will get the knowledge from that…


Viswakumar Govardhanan:
olli san,

by cloning this repo locally, Is possible to run this demo?by using mvn jetty run or mvn springboot:run plugin???

if so i will run this one locally and will get the knowledge from that…


You should run the project readme.

I had to install openjfx package.

Mr jean

Thank you for your comments

Best regards

Hi, this is an old thread, but inspired by ChatGPT by OpenAI, I wanted to make some Vaadin experiments.[ Here is a simple Java chat app using Vaadin components]
( like MessageList and MessageInput.