Add-on Widgetset Problems

Hello all,

I am trying to use the FilteringTable add-on in my Vaadin 7 project but I am having an issue with the widgetset. I have included the jar for the add-on in my classpath which contains the widgetset implementation as well. I recompiled my widgetset and it seems to include the FilteringTable widgetset just fine. When I run the application I get a “label” that says:

Widgetset does not contain implementation for org.tepi.filtertable.FilterTable. Check its component connector's @Connect mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions. This error was in place of where the table should be. This was weird because I thought the widgetset had compiled correctly. This is the output from the widgetset compilation:

Updating com.echoman.databasemanager.ui.widgetset.DatabasemanagerWidgetset…
Remember to define the widgetset in web.xml as follows.


Jun 06, 2014 10:31:05 AM com.vaadin.server.widgetsetutils.ClassPathExplorer getAvailableWidgetSetsAndStylesheets
INFO: Widgetsets found from classpath:
org.vaadin.hene.popupbutton.widgetset.PopupbuttonWidgetset in jar:file:C:/Users/jacob.lauzon/Documents/Source Files/Common/lib/vaadin/addons/popupbutton/1.0.0/popupbutton-1.0.0.jar!/
com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet in jar:file:C:/Users/jacob.lauzon/Documents/Source Files/Common/lib/vaadin/7.1.7/vaadin-client-7.1.7.jar!/
org.tepi.filtertable.gwt.FilterTableWidgetset in jar:file:C:/Users/jacob.lauzon/Documents/Source Files/Common/lib/vaadin/addons7/filteringtable-0.9.0.v7/filteringtable-0.9.0.v7.jar!/
com.echoman.databasemanager.ui.widgetset.DatabasemanagerWidgetset in file://C/Users/jacob.lauzon/Documents/Source Files/Database Manager/src
Addon styles found from classpath:

Jun 06, 2014 10:31:05 AM com.vaadin.server.widgetsetutils.ClassPathExplorer getAvailableWidgetSetsAndStylesheets
INFO: Search took 13ms
Compiling com.echoman.databasemanager.ui.widgetset.DatabasemanagerWidgetset into web/VAADIN/widgetsets directory…
Compiling module com.echoman.databasemanager.ui.widgetset.DatabasemanagerWidgetset
Validating units:
Ignored 1 unit with compilation errors in first pass.
Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
Computing all possible rebind results for ‘com.vaadin.client.metadata.ConnectorBundleLoader’
Rebinding com.vaadin.client.metadata.ConnectorBundleLoader
Invoking generator com.vaadin.server.widgetsetutils.ConnectorBundleLoaderFactory
Populating eager bundle
Visiting VerticalLayoutConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
VerticalLayoutConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.orderedlayout.VerticalLayoutState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.communication.URLReference using URLReference_Serializer
Will serialize class java.util.HashMap<com.vaadin.shared.Connector, com.vaadin.shared.ui.orderedlayout.AbstractOrderedLayoutState.ChildComponentData> as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.orderedlayout.AbstractOrderedLayoutState.ChildComponentData as a bean
Visiting TableConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
TableConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.table.TableState as a bean
Visiting UIConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
UIConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState.TooltipConfigurationState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState.LoadingIndicatorConfigurationState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState.PushConfigurationState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.communication.PushMode as an enum
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState.LocaleServiceState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState.LocaleData as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.PageState as a bean
Will serialize java.lang.String as an array
Visiting NativeSelectConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
NativeSelectConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.AbstractFieldState as a bean
Visiting CustomComponentConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
CustomComponentConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.AbstractComponentState as a bean
Visiting WindowConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
WindowConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.window.WindowState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.window.WindowMode as an enum
Visiting PasswordFieldConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
PasswordFieldConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.textfield.AbstractTextFieldState as a bean
Visiting InlineDateFieldConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
InlineDateFieldConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.InlineDateFieldState as a bean
Will serialize class java.util.Date as a bean
Visiting PanelConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
PanelConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.panel.PanelState as a bean
Visiting CustomFieldConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
CustomFieldConnector will be in the eager bundle
Visiting DragAndDropWrapperConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
DragAndDropWrapperConnector will be in the eager bundle
Visiting LinkConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
LinkConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class as a bean
Visiting ImageConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ImageConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.image.ImageState as a bean
Visiting BrowserWindowOpenerConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
BrowserWindowOpenerConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.BrowserWindowOpenerState as a bean
Visiting LabelConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
LabelConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.LabelState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode as an enum
Visiting BrowserFrameConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
BrowserFrameConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.browserframe.BrowserFrameState as a bean
Visiting FilterTableConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
FilterTableConnector will be in the eager bundle
Visiting TreeConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
TreeConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.tree.TreeState as a bean
Visiting TabsheetConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
TabsheetConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.tabsheet.TabsheetState as a bean
Visiting NativeButtonConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
NativeButtonConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.button.NativeButtonState as a bean
Visiting PopupDateFieldConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
PopupDateFieldConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.PopupDateFieldState as a bean
Visiting EmbeddedConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
EmbeddedConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.embedded.EmbeddedState as a bean
Visiting FlashConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
FlashConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.flash.FlashState as a bean
Visiting AudioConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
AudioConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.AbstractMediaState as a bean
Visiting CssLayoutConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
CssLayoutConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.csslayout.CssLayoutState as a bean
Visiting VideoConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
VideoConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class as a bean
Visiting CustomLayoutConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
CustomLayoutConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.customlayout.CustomLayoutState as a bean
Visiting AbsoluteLayoutConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
AbsoluteLayoutConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.absolutelayout.AbsoluteLayoutState as a bean
Visiting HorizontalLayoutConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
HorizontalLayoutConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.orderedlayout.HorizontalLayoutState as a bean
Visiting TextFieldConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
TextFieldConnector will be in the eager bundle
Visiting ListSelectConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ListSelectConnector will be in the eager bundle
Visiting FileDownloaderConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
FileDownloaderConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.communication.SharedState as a bean
Visiting ButtonConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ButtonConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.button.ButtonState as a bean
Visiting GridLayoutConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
GridLayoutConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.gridlayout.GridLayoutState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.gridlayout.GridLayoutState.ChildComponentData as a bean
Visiting TwinColSelectConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
TwinColSelectConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.twincolselect.TwinColSelectState as a bean
Visiting JavaScriptExtension with ConnectorInitVisitor
JavaScriptExtension will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.JavaScriptExtensionState as a bean
Visiting FormConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
FormConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.form.FormState as a bean
Visiting TextAreaConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
TextAreaConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.textarea.TextAreaState as a bean
Visiting ProgressBarConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ProgressBarConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.progressindicator.ProgressBarState as a bean
Visiting UploadConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
UploadConnector will be in the eager bundle
Visiting FormLayoutConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
FormLayoutConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.orderedlayout.AbstractOrderedLayoutState as a bean
Visiting JavaScriptManagerConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
JavaScriptManagerConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.extension.javascriptmanager.JavaScriptManagerState as a bean
Visiting ProgressIndicatorConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ProgressIndicatorConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.progressindicator.ProgressIndicatorState as a bean
Visiting SliderConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
SliderConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.slider.SliderState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.slider.SliderOrientation as an enum
Visiting ComboBoxConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ComboBoxConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.ComboBoxState as a bean
Visiting CheckBoxConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
CheckBoxConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.checkbox.CheckBoxState as a bean
Visiting AccordionConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
AccordionConnector will be in the eager bundle
Visiting VerticalSplitPanelConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
VerticalSplitPanelConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.splitpanel.VerticalSplitPanelState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.splitpanel.AbstractSplitPanelState.SplitterState as a bean
Visiting JavaScriptComponentConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
JavaScriptComponentConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.JavaScriptComponentState as a bean
Visiting OptionGroupConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
OptionGroupConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.optiongroup.OptionGroupState as a bean
Visiting PopupViewConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
PopupViewConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.popupview.PopupViewState as a bean
Visiting HorizontalSplitPanelConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
HorizontalSplitPanelConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.splitpanel.HorizontalSplitPanelState as a bean
Visiting MenuBarConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
MenuBarConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.menubar.MenuBarState as a bean
Visiting TreeTableConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
TreeTableConnector will be in the eager bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.treetable.TreeTableState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails.MouseButton as an enum
Populating CalendarConnector bundle
Visiting CalendarConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
CalendarConnector will be in the CalendarConnector bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.calendar.CalendarState as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.calendar.CalendarState.Action as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.calendar.CalendarState.Day as a bean
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.calendar.CalendarState.Event as a bean
Populating RichTextAreaConnector bundle
Visiting RichTextAreaConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
RichTextAreaConnector will be in the RichTextAreaConnector bundle
Populating ColorPickerGradientConnector bundle
Visiting ColorPickerGradientConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ColorPickerGradientConnector will be in the ColorPickerGradientConnector bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.colorpicker.ColorPickerGradientState as a bean
Populating ColorPickerAreaConnector bundle
Visiting ColorPickerAreaConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ColorPickerAreaConnector will be in the ColorPickerAreaConnector bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.colorpicker.ColorPickerState as a bean
Populating ColorPickerConnector bundle
Visiting ColorPickerConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ColorPickerConnector will be in the ColorPickerConnector bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.colorpicker.ColorPickerState as a bean
Populating ColorPickerGridConnector bundle
Visiting ColorPickerGridConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
ColorPickerGridConnector will be in the ColorPickerGridConnector bundle
Will serialize class com.vaadin.shared.ui.colorpicker.ColorPickerGridState as a bean
Computing all possible rebind results for ‘com.vaadin.client.ui.dd.VAcceptCriterionFactory’
Rebinding com.vaadin.client.ui.dd.VAcceptCriterionFactory
Invoking generator com.vaadin.server.widgetsetutils.AcceptCriteriaFactoryGenerator
Detecting available criteria …
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.SourceIsTarget
creating mapping for com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect.AcceptItem
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.TargetDetailIs
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.ContainsDataFlavor
creating mapping for com.vaadin.ui.Table.TableDropCriterion
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.Not
creating mapping for com.vaadin.ui.Tree.TreeDropCriterion
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.Or
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.And
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.SourceIs
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.AcceptAll
creating mapping for com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.ServerSideCriterion
creating mapping for com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect.TargetItemIs
creating mapping for com.vaadin.ui.Tree.TargetInSubtree
Done. (0seconds)
Compiling 6 permutations
Compiling permutation 0…
Compiling permutation 1…
Compiling permutation 2…
Compiling permutation 3…
Compiling permutation 4…
Compiling permutation 5…
Compile of permutations succeeded
Linking into C:\Users\jacob.lauzon\Documents\Source Files\Database Manager\web\VAADIN\widgetsets\com.echoman.databasemanager.ui.widgetset.DatabasemanagerWidgetset
Link succeeded
Compilation succeeded – 119.763s
[/code]Also here is my web.xml and build.xml.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> DatabaseManager index.html index.htm
        <!--            <param-name>applicationBean</param-name>

[/code][code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Builds, tests, and runs the project DatabaseManager.

Could you attach or push into Github a working example application where the issue is possible to reproduce? It would be easier to find solution to this issue that way.

I’m into the same problem, any suggestions?