Hi there,
I want to style the label of a vaadin menu bar
The path to the component is:
div > vaadin-menu-bar > #shadow-root > div > vaadin-menu-bar-button > vaadin-context-menu-item > vaadin-horizontal-layout > label.language-label
The developer tools css-Selector results in .language-label but that does not work because of the shadow-root. I cannot set a class to a menu Item.
Tried several variants without success now, but how can I access the label of a menu bar or a certain menu item itself if i cannot specify a class?
Any custom content you place into a MenuBar button will not be in Shadow DOM, so you should be able to style it normally, just based on the classname for example.
So in your case simply
(btw I would recommend a `span` instead of a `label` for that, unless it's a label for an input field or such)
Wait, sorry, you said V23 – that’s more tricky (and one of the reasons we refactored the DOM structure of the MenuBar in V24).
I don’t remember off the top of my head how to do that, but I’ll see if I can refresh my memory
Ok, so I think what you need to do is inject the CSS into the Shadow DOM of vaadin-context-menu-item
If you have a theme folder, you’d place that in themes/yourtheme/components/vaadin-context-menu-item.css
Thanks that is working now. The documentation of Vaadin 24 is much better in regards of the styling and not always you can transfer it to Vaadin 23.