hi following question:
In the book chapter https://vaadin.com/book/vaadin7/-/page/mobile.optimization.html is described how to add vaadin standard components conntectors in the WidgetLoaderFactory.java. to optimize the performance.
in my project i have a AbstractJavascriptComponent with the javascript file and JavaScriptComponentState. How do i add the connector of this component to the LoaderFactory.
the javascript functions in the java file
never get called. I only see exeptions in the browser console
SEVERE: Error performing server to client RPC callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException: There is no information about com.vaadin.ui.JavaScript$JavaScriptCallbackRpc.call. Did you remember to compile the right widgetset?
Caused by: com.vaadin.client.metadata.NoDataException: There are no parameter type data for com.vaadin.ui.JavaScript$JavaScriptCallbackRpc.call
Have someone a solution proposal ?