A Timeline component (not current addon) : Did I Imagine It?


We’re sketching out some UI ideas, and one thing popped up : a timeline component. Not the current Timeline component in the Directory (graphing values over time), but one showing events over a period of time.

Now, it’s possible that I imagined this, but I could have
that I saw a Vaadin component/prototype posted in the forums that did this, by one of the Vaadin developers. I’ve searched the forums, but come up blank.

Does anyone else remember this?

I can see that someone else intended to start implementing the
Simile Timeline
as a Vaadin component (
placeholder in the contrib section
), but didn’t get as far as actualling delivering any code.



You can also add events to Timeline alongside graphs. Just as in the
. Is this what you are looking for?

Hi Joonas,

Yes, that sort of thing - but without the graph!

Here’s more the sort of thing : http://www.simile-widgets.org/timeline/examples/cubism/cubism.html

Just a way of presenting a series of events (with no inherent value, other than date) over a period of time… maybe I can hack/bodge/manipulate a normal chart to provide the same thing… I just felt sure that someone had posted a component that did the same thing.



This is not possible with Timeline add-on. I would just wrap simile to a really simple vaadin widget. If you do, please submit it also to directory :)