Vaadin TreeGrid - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Component that adds tree-like functionality to Grid for displaying hierarchical dataOnline Demo
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Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.0
Initial public release
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.2
- Fixed click handling on hierarchy column
- Fixed client side exception thrown due to unknown extension connector
- Fixed focus when navigating with keyboard
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.3
Bug fixes
- Fixed exception on client side column reordering
- Fixed frozen columns when `setFrozenColumnCount(1);`
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.4
- Improved compatibility with framework version 7.7.7
- Improved changing of hierarchy column
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.5
- Fixed compatibility issue with framework 7.7.9 release
- **This version of the add-on is compatible with Vaadin Framework 7.7.9 and up**
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.6
- Added expand listener and collapse listener
- **Requires Vaadin Framework 7.7.9 or higher**
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.7
- Fixed IllegalAccessException when hiding/unhiding columns (#26, #27)
- **Requires Vaadin Framework 7.7.9 or higher**
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.8
### Version 0.7.8
- Fixing issue #34: Unable to expand tree after upgrade to Vaadin 7.7.16
- Fixing issue #29: Expanding an already expanded node programatically results in node duplication
- Requires Vaadin 7.7.9 or newer
Vaadin TreeGrid version 0.7.9
### Version 0.7.9
- Introduce separate JSON key for hierarchy data in order to avoid conflcit with tooltip data