
History - Vaadin Add-on Directory

HistoryExtension for pushState support History - Vaadin Add-on Directory
The HistoryExtension allows you to harness the power of the HTML5 history API (often called pushState). To use this extension, you need a browser that supports the HTML5 history API, which is all modern browsers. This extension is a JavaScriptExtension, which means that no widgetset compilation is required when taking this add-on into use!
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History version 1.0.0

History version 1.1.0
Added HistoryExtension.createcreateNavigationStateManager, for Navigator support.

History version 1.2.0
Many changes contributed by Matti Tahvonen, such as - Java8 support - Added PushStateLink for anyone to start using - Mavenized project

History version 1.3.0
- More stable popstate behavior in IE11 - The new class UriFragmentNavManager feels more like UriFragmentManager More info @