GoogleMaps Add-on
Google Maps add-on for Vaadin 7 and 8, based on JS API v3
Use Google maps in Vaadin apps. For Street View support, check out my Street View Extension.
If you don't use dependency management (i.e. Maven or Ivy) you'll have to manually add GWT-Maps-V3-Api and GWT-AjaxLoader jars to your project. Without them you'll get errors like
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/google/gwt/maps/Maps.gwt.xml' on your classpath;`
while trying to compile the widgetset.
In order to use Google Maps API, you'll need to get an API key from Google Developers Console. The key is not normally needed when developing in localhost.
Altenatively you can use a client ID from Google Maps API for Work is supported.
Supported Features
- Setting center & zoom.
- Limiting of center, bounding box and zoom.
- Setting visible map controls.
- Markers with custom captions and icons, togglable dragging, drop animation and optimized rendering.
- Info windows with Vaadin components, HTML content, marker anchoring and z-index.
- Polygon and polyline overlays.
- KML layers from external URLs.
- Forcing the localization of the map.
- Toggling dragging of the map with mouse, keyboard shortcuts and scroll wheel zoom.
- Traffic layers.
- Chinese API
Supported Events
- Map move
- Map click
- Marker drag
- Marker click
- Info window close
This add-on contains features sponsored by the following companies: Gas Natural Fenosa, SNAP Consulting and Track4C.
Sample code
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); GoogleMap googleMap = new GoogleMap("apiKey", null, "english"); googleMap.setSizeFull(); googleMap.addMarker("DRAGGABLE: Paavo Nurmi Stadion", new LatLon( 60.442423, 22.26044), true, "VAADIN/1377279006_stadium.png"); kakolaMarker = googleMap.addMarker("DRAGGABLE: Kakolan vankila", new LatLon(60.44291, 22.242415), true, null); googleMap.addMarker("NOT DRAGGABLE: Iso-Heikkilä", new LatLon( 60.450403, 22.230399), false, null); googleMap.setMinZoom(4); googleMap.setMaxZoom(16);
ArrayList<LatLon> points = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); points.add(new LatLon(60.484715, 21.923706)); points.add(new LatLon(60.446636, 21.941387)); points.add(new LatLon(60.422496, 21.99546)); points.add(new LatLon(60.427326, 22.06464)); points.add(new LatLon(60.446467, 22.064297)); GoogleMapPolygon overlay = new GoogleMapPolygon(points, "#ae1f1f", 0.8, "#194915", 0.5, 3); map.addPolygonOverlay(overlay);
ArrayList<LatLon> points = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); points.add(new LatLon(60.448118, 22.253738)); points.add(new LatLon(60.455144, 22.24198)); points.add(new LatLon(60.460222, 22.211939)); points.add(new LatLon(60.488224, 22.174602)); points.add(new LatLon(60.486025, 22.169195)); GoogleMapPolyline overlay = new GoogleMapPolyline( points, "#d31717", 0.8, 10); googleMap.addPolyline(overlay);
//due nature of server-client communication of Vaadin and architecture of this add-on, adding of Vaadin components can't be a part of the actual //GoogleMapInfoWindow class. Instead server-side widget of GoogleMap takes care of that GoogleMapInfoWindow window = new GoogleMapInfoWindow(); googleMap.setInfoWindowContents(window, new Button("A Vaadin button!")); googleMap.openInfoWindow(window);
- Examples of Most Features
- Example Eclipse/Ivy Project
- Online Demo
- Source Code
- Discussion Forum
- Issue Tracker
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No new features but bubbling under:
- Moved to Vaadin 7.2.2
- Moved from official gwt-google-apis (updated last time in 2012) to GWT-Maps-V3-Api (continuously updated)
- Released
- 2014-06-13
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.2+
- Vaadin 8.1+ in 2.1.0
- Vaadin 8.0+ in 2.0.0
- Vaadin 7.6+ in 1.3.4
- Vaadin 7.4+ in 1.0.2
- Vaadin 7.1+ in 0.8.0
- Browser
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- iOS Browser
- Android Browser
- Internet Explorer
GoogleMaps Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Google Maps add-on for Vaadin 7 and 8, based on JS API v3Example Eclipse/Ivy Project
Online Demo
Source Code
Discussion Forum
Issue Tracker
GoogleMaps Add-on version 0.6.1
- Fixed setCenter() when old location came from client
- Added ability to disable marker animation
GoogleMaps Add-on version 0.6.2
- Added setting for forcing the language of the maps
- Added setting for enabling the new visual style
- Fixed resizing of the map (for example in SplitPanel)
GoogleMaps Add-on version 0.8.0
- Added support for KML layers
- Added support for map click events
- Refactored project structure
GoogleMaps Add-on version 0.9.0
No new features but bubbling under:
- Moved to Vaadin 7.2.2
- Moved from official gwt-google-apis (updated last time in 2012) to GWT-Maps-V3-Api (continuously updated)
GoogleMaps Add-on version 1.0.2
* Fixed removing of all markers
GoogleMaps Add-on version 1.3.3
Fix missing contents of info windows when using Vaadin components as contents.
GoogleMaps Add-on version 1.3.4
- Use scheduling instead of timer to trigger resize
- Update to Vaadin 7.7.0
GoogleMaps Add-on version 2.0.0
Updated to work with Vaadin 8.0.4.
GoogleMaps Add-on version 2.1.0
- Fixed a RPC bug that prevented some events from firing correctly
- Upgraded to Vaadin 8.1.2