
Fluent API for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

This library is a Vaadin 8 server side complement to code components fluently (like builder pattern). Fluent API for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Each ui component class is available with its fluent counter part working out-of-the-box. Each setter has also its fluent version prefixed with the word "with" instead of "set". Each fluent class implements a fluent interface which adds the fluent methods. Therefore, it's easy to add fluent functionality to an existing component : just implement the right interface. Lets say you have a custom ComboBox doing fancy stuff in your project and you want to add fluent way to code it. Implement the FluentComboBox interface.
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Fluent API for Vaadin version 1.0
Available fluent components FTextField FTextArea FComboBox FFormLayout FVerticalLayout FHorizontalLayout FCssLayout FGridLayout FPanel FCheckBoxGroup FListSelect FTwinColSelect FAction

Fluent API for Vaadin version 1.1
- FButton - FNativeButton - FNativeSelect - FRadionButtonGroup - FLabel - FLink - FCheckBox - FTabSheet - fix missing methods for FluentComboBox - update javadoc

Fluent API for Vaadin version 1.2
New fluent components available : -FMenuBar -FProgressBar -FPopupView -FHorizontalSplitPanel -FVerticalSplitPanel -FSlider -FRichTextArea -FDateField -FInlineDateField -FDateTimeField Javadoc available

Fluent API for Vaadin version 1.3
Implementation of remaining fluent components