
AppFoundation - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Application foundation provides commonly used features to your Vaadin applications, such as persistence, authentication, permission management, i18n and view helpers. AppFoundation - Vaadin Add-on Directory
The add-on's goal is to provide a simple and lightweight foundation for Vaadin application. The add-on consists of individual modules which are designed to be used separately or in combination with other modules. Minimization of dependencies to other modules and third party libraries have been one of the primary goals with the module designs. With the application foundation library you get commonly used features such as JPA based persistence, view handling, i18n, authentication and permission management. Dependencies: EclipseLink (persistence module) and XOM XML parser (i18n module)
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AppFoundation version 1.0

AppFoundation version 1.0.1

AppFoundation version 1.0.2

AppFoundation version 1.1.0

AppFoundation version 1.2

AppFoundation version 1.3.0
- Protection against brute force attacks - Password policies - Deactivation of views - Default implementation for the ViewContainer

AppFoundation version 1.3.1
There was a packaging problem in the 1.3.0 release, it is fixed now.

AppFoundation version 1.3.2
- Bug fixed in the initialization of Permissions class - Added methods for removing permissions in the authorization module - AbstractView replaced with a View interface in the view handling logic - AbstractView implements View, so existing code will work with minimal changes

AppFoundation version 1.3.3
- ViewHandler now supports URI fragment parameters - The FillXml tool can add new languages to existing translation files

AppFoundation version 1.3.4
- Added a I18nForm for making forms with localized field captions - Added the possibility to fetch a subset of POJOs with the facades' list() methods - Added a getFieldValues() method for fetching the values of one specific field in a POJO

AppFoundation version 1.3.5
- Oracle XE compatible - Ability to use any format for importing translation messages - ViewItem's getView throws a NullPointerException if both view and factory instances are null For more details, please see

AppFoundation version 2.0.0
Version 2.0.0 supports (only) Vaadin 7. It's maturity level is experimental, because it has not been tested sufficiently to be able to have it's maturity level as something else. If you find bugs, please file tickets to the issue tracker.