Interface | Description |
ChartConfiguration | |
ChartEnum |
Interface shared by all enum classes of the vaadin charts.
MarkerSymbol |
Interface for all marker symbols
Series |
Series interface for all kinds of Series
Class | Description |
AbstractConfigurationObject |
Abstract base class for model classes to be serialized to JSON.
AbstractDataLabels | |
AbstractPlotOptions | |
AbstractSeries |
Abstract base class for series
AbstractSeriesItem |
Abstract superclass for chart series items
Accessibility |
Options for configuring accessibility for the chart.
AreaOptions | |
Axis | |
AxisList<T extends Axis> |
Alternative AxisContainer to allow multiple axes
AxisTitle |
The axis title, showing next to the axis line.
Back |
Defines the back panel of the frame around 3D charts.
Background |
An object, or array of objects, for backgrounds.
Bottom |
The bottom of the frame around a 3D chart.
BoxPlotItem |
A DataSeriesItem implementation suitable for
box plot charts.
Breaks |
An array defining breaks in the axis, the sections defined will be left out
and all the points shifted closer to each other.
ButtonOptions |
A collection of options for buttons appearing in the exporting module.
ButtonPosition |
Positioning options for
DrillUpButton |
Buttons |
Options for the export related buttons, print and export.
ChartModel |
Options regarding the chart area and plot area as well as general chart
ChartType |
The default series type for the chart.
ColorAxis | |
ColumnOptions | |
Condition |
Under which conditions the rule applies.
Configuration |
Chart's configuration root object containing all the child objects that are
used to configure chart, axes, legend, titles etc.
ContextButton |
Options for the export button.
ContextButtonMenuItem | |
Credits |
Highchart by default puts a credits label in the lower right corner of the
Crosshair |
Configure a crosshair that follows either the mouse pointer or the hovered
CrosshairLabel |
A label on the axis next to the crosshair.
DataGrouping |
Data grouping is the concept of sampling the data values into larger blocks
in order to ease readability and increase performance of the JavaScript
DataLabels |
Options for the series data labels, appearing next to each data point.
DataLabelsFunnel | |
DataLabelsRange |
Extended data labels for range series types.
DataProviderSeries<T> |
A series which is based on data from a DataProvider.
DataSeries |
An array of data points to be displayed in a chart.
DataSeriesItem |
The DataSeriesItem class represents a single entry in a
DataSeries . |
DataSeriesItem3d |
DataSeriesItem that can hold also Z value.
DateTimeLabelFormats |
For a DATETIME axis, the scale will automatically adjust to the appropriate
Dial |
Options for the dial or arrow pointer of the gauge.
Drilldown |
Options for drill down, the concept of inspecting increasingly high
resolution data through clicking on chart items like columns or pie slices.
DrillUpButton |
Options for the drill up button that appears when drilling down on a series.
Exporting |
Options for the exporting module.
ExportingMenuItemDefinition | |
FlagItem |
DataSeriesItem that can hold also title and text values.
Frame |
Provides the option to draw a frame around the charts by defining a bottom,
front and back panel.
GaugeOptions | |
Global |
Global options that don't apply to each chart.
Halo |
Options for the halo appearing around the hovered point in line-type series
as well as outside the hovered slice in pie charts.
HeatSeries |
A specialized series for use with HeatMaps
Hover |
Options for the hovered series
HTMLLabelItem |
A HTML label that can be positioned anywhere in the chart area.
HTMLLabels |
HTML labels that can be positioned anywhere in the chart area.
KeyboardNavigation |
Options for keyboard navigation.
Label |
Text labels for the plot bands
Labels | |
Lang |
Language object.
Legend |
The legend is a box containing a symbol and name for each series item or
point item in the chart.
LegendNavigation |
Options for the paging or navigation appearing when the legend is overflown.
LegendTitle |
A title to be added on top of the legend.
Level |
Set options on specific levels.
ListSeries |
A series consisting of a list of numerical values.
Loading |
The loading options control the appearance of the loading screen that covers
the plot area on chart operations.
Marker |
In Highcharts 1.0, the appearance of all markers belonging to the hovered
MarkerSymbolUrl |
Symbol that is fetched from the url, implementing ChartEnum to provide
correct serialization
Navigation |
A collection of options for buttons and menus appearing in the exporting
Navigator |
The navigator is a small series below the main series, displaying a view of
the entire data set.
NoData |
Options for displaying a message like "No data to display".
OhlcItem |
A DataSeriesItem implementation suitable for OHLC charts.
OhlcOptions | |
Options3d |
Options to render charts in 3 dimensions.
Pane |
Applies only to polar charts and angular gauges.
PaneList |
Pane Container to allow multiple Panes
Pivot |
Options for the pivot or the center point of the gauge.
PlotBand |
An array of objects defining plot bands on the Y axis.
PlotLine |
An array of lines stretching across the plot area, marking a specific value
on one of the axes.
PlotOptionsArea | |
PlotOptionsArearange |
The area range is a cartesian series type with higher and lower Y values
along an X axis.
PlotOptionsAreaspline | |
PlotOptionsAreasplinerange |
The area spline range is a cartesian series type with higher and lower Y
values along an X axis.
PlotOptionsBar | |
PlotOptionsBoxplot |
A box plot is a convenient way of depicting groups of data through their
five-number summaries: the smallest observation (sample minimum), lower
quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation
(sample maximum).
PlotOptionsBubble |
A bubble series is a three dimensional series type where each point renders
an X, Y and Z value.
PlotOptionsCandlestick | |
PlotOptionsColumn | |
PlotOptionsColumnrange |
The column range is a cartesian series type with higher and lower Y values
along an X axis.
PlotOptionsErrorbar |
Error bars are a graphical representation of the variability of data and are
used on graphs to indicate the error, or uncertainty in a reported
PlotOptionsFlags | |
PlotOptionsFunnel |
Funnel charts are a type of chart often used to visualize stages in a sales
project, where the top are the initial stages with the most clients.
PlotOptionsGauge |
General plotting options for the gauge series type.
PlotOptionsHeatmap |
The heatmap series type.
PlotOptionsLine | |
PlotOptionsOhlc | |
PlotOptionsPie |
A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating numerical
PlotOptionsPolygon |
A polygon series can be used to draw any freeform shape in the cartesian
coordinate system.
PlotOptionsPyramid |
A pyramid chart consists of a single pyramid with item heights corresponding
to each point value.
PlotOptionsScatter | |
PlotOptionsSeries |
General options for all series types.
PlotOptionsSolidgauge |
A gauge showing values using a filled arc with colors indicating the value.
PlotOptionsSpline | |
PlotOptionsTreemap |
The size of the point shape is determined by its value relative to its
siblings values.
PlotOptionsWaterfall |
Options for the waterfall series type.
PointOptions | |
Position |
Position configuration for the credits label.
PyramidOptions | |
RangeSelector |
The range selector is a tool for selecting ranges to display within the
RangeSelectorButton |
Options for range selector buttons.
RangeSeries |
Series for range type data
ResetZoomButton |
The button that appears after a selection zoom, allowing the user to reset
Responsive |
Allows setting a set of rules to apply for different screen or chart sizes.
Rules |
A set of rules for responsive settings.
Scrollbar |
An optional scrollbar to display on the Y axis in response to limiting the
minimum an maximum of the axis values.
Select |
The appearance of the point marker when selected.
SeriesTooltip |
A configuration object for the tooltip rendering of each single series.
Side |
Note: As of v5.0.12,
frame.left or frame.right
should be used instead. |
StackLabels |
The stack labels show the total value for each bar in a stacked column or bar
States | |
Stop | |
Subtitle |
The chart's subtitle
TimeUnitMultiples |
Class used to define allowed multiples a time unit is allowed to be grouped
Title |
The chart's main title.
Tooltip |
Options for the tooltip that appears when the user hovers over a series or
Top |
The top of the frame around a 3D chart.
TreeSeries |
A collection of
TreeSeriesItems that compose a
multi-root tree. |
TreeSeriesItem |
This class represents one node in a
TreeSeries . |
WaterFallSum |
DataSeriesItem that can be used as sum or intermediate sum in waterfall
XAxis |
The X axis or category axis.
YAxis |
The Y axis or value axis.
ZAxis |
The Z axis or depth axis for 3D plots.
Zones |
An array defining zones within a series.
Enum | Description |
AxisDimension |
Possible axis dimensions with their indexes in client-side
AxisType |
Enum representing different axis types.
BackgroundShape |
The shape of the pane background.
Compare |
YAxis will show percentage or absolute change depending on
whether compare is set to Compare.PERCENT or Compare.VALUE |
Cursor |
You can set the cursor to POINTER("pointer") if you have click events
attached to the series, to signal to the user that the points and lines can
be clicked.
Dimension |
Axial dimension.
DrillUpButtonRelativeTo |
What box to align the button to.
ExportFileType |
Default MIME type for exporting if chart.exportChart() is called without
specifying a type option.
FlagShape |
The name of a symbol to use for the border in
ChartType.FLAGS series. |
HorizontalAlign |
Alignment of the title relative to the axis values and more generically
horizontal alignment.
IntervalUnit |
Irregular time unit used to define point interval unit.
LayoutDirection |
The layout of the legend items.
MarkerSymbolEnum |
A predefined shape or symbol for the marker.
PanKey |
Allows setting a key to switch between zooming and panning.
PointPlacement |
Possible values: null, ON, BETWEEN.
RangeSelectorTimespan |
Possible timespan values for range selector buttons
ResetZoomButtonRelativeTo |
What frame the button should be placed related to.
Shape |
The name of a symbol to use for the border around the
Datalabels or
Tooltip . |
Stacking |
Whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other.
StepType |
Defines different step line types.
TextAlign |
The text alignment for the label.
TickmarkPlacement |
For categorized axes only.
TickPosition |
The position of the tick marks relative to the axis line.
TimeUnit | |
TreeMapLayoutAlgorithm |
The layout algorithm used by
ChartType.TREEMAP charts. |
TreeMapLayoutStartingDirection |
The direction where the layout algorithm will start drawing.
VerticalAlign |
Alignment of the title relative to the axis values and more generically
vertical alignment.
ZoneAxis |
Defines the Axis on which the zones are applied.
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