- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Serializable
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- AbstractDataLabels, AbstractPlotOptions, AbstractSeries, AbstractSeriesItem, Accessibility, Axis, AxisList, AxisTitle, Back, Background, Bottom, Breaks, ButtonOptions, ButtonPosition, Buttons, ButtonTheme, ChartModel, Condition, Configuration, ContextButton, ContextButtonMenuItem, Credits, Crosshair, CrosshairLabel, DataGrouping, DateTimeLabelFormats, Dial, Drilldown, DrillUpButton, Exporting, ExportingMenuItemDefinition, Frame, Global, Halo, Hover, HTMLLabelItem, HTMLLabels, KeyboardNavigation, Label, Labels, LabelStyle, Lang, Legend, LegendNavigation, LegendTitle, Level, Loading, Marker, MarkerSymbolUrl, Navigation, Navigator, NoData, Options3d, Pane, PaneList, Pivot, PlotBand, PlotLine, Position, RangeSelector, RangeSelectorButton, ResetZoomButton, Responsive, Rules, Scrollbar, Select, SeriesTooltip, Side, SolidColor, StackLabels, States, Stop, Subtitle, TimeUnitMultiples, Title, Tooltip, Top, Zones
public abstract class AbstractConfigurationObject
extends Object
implements Serializable
Abstract base class for model classes to be serialized to JSON. Mainly
com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.model.Configuration and the stuff it uses.
- See Also:
- Serialized Form