Package com.vaadin.ui

Class ConnectorTracker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConnectorTracker
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    A class which takes care of book keeping of ClientConnectors for a UI.

    Provides getConnector(String) which can be used to lookup a connector from its id. This is for framework use only and should not be needed in applications.

    Tracks which ClientConnectors are dirty so they can be updated to the client when the following response is sent. A connector is dirty when an operation has been performed on it on the server and as a result of this operation new information needs to be sent to its ServerConnector.

    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectorTracker

        public ConnectorTracker​(UI uI)
        Creates a new ConnectorTracker for the given uI. A tracker is always attached to a uI and the uI cannot be changed during the lifetime of a ConnectorTracker.
        uI - The uI to attach to. Cannot be null.
    • Method Detail

      • registerConnector

        public void registerConnector​(ClientConnector connector)
        Register the given connector.

        The lookup method getConnector(String) only returns registered connectors.

        connector - The connector to register.
      • unregisterConnector

        public void unregisterConnector​(ClientConnector connector)
        Unregister the given connector.

        The lookup method getConnector(String) only returns registered connectors.

        connector - The connector to unregister
      • isClientSideInitialized

        public boolean isClientSideInitialized​(ClientConnector connector)
        Checks whether the given connector has already been initialized in the browser. The given connector should be registered with this connector tracker.
        connector - the client connector to check
        true if the initial state has previously been sent to the browser, false if the client-side doesn't already know anything about the connector.
      • markClientSideInitialized

        public void markClientSideInitialized​(ClientConnector connector)
        Marks the given connector as initialized, meaning that the client-side state has been initialized for the connector.
        connector - the connector that should be marked as initialized
        See Also:
      • markAllClientSidesUninitialized

        public void markAllClientSidesUninitialized()
        Marks all currently registered connectors as uninitialized. This should be done when the client-side has been reset but the server-side state is retained.
        See Also:
      • getConnector

        public ClientConnector getConnector​(String connectorId)
        Gets a connector by its id.
        connectorId - The connector id to look for
        The connector with the given id or null if no connector has the given id
      • cleanConnectorMap

        public void cleanConnectorMap()
        Cleans the connector map from all connectors that are no longer attached to the application. This should only be called by the framework.
      • markDirty

        public void markDirty​(ClientConnector connector)
        Mark the connector as dirty and notifies any marked as dirty listeners. This should not be done while the response is being written.
        connector - The connector that should be marked clean.
        See Also:
        getDirtyConnectors(), isWritingResponse()
      • markClean

        public void markClean​(ClientConnector connector)
        Mark the connector as clean.
        connector - The connector that should be marked clean.
      • markAllConnectorsDirty

        public void markAllConnectorsDirty()
        Mark all connectors in this uI as dirty.
      • markAllConnectorsClean

        public void markAllConnectorsClean()
        Mark all connectors in this uI as clean.
      • getDirtyConnectors

        public Collection<ClientConnector> getDirtyConnectors()
        Returns a collection of all connectors which have been marked as dirty.

        The state and pending RPC calls for dirty connectors are sent to the client in the following request.

        A collection of all dirty connectors for this uI. This list may contain invisible connectors.
      • hasDirtyConnectors

        public boolean hasDirtyConnectors()
        Checks if there a dirty connectors.
        true if there are dirty connectors, false otherwise
      • getDirtyVisibleConnectors

        public ArrayList<ClientConnector> getDirtyVisibleConnectors()
        Returns a collection of those dirty connectors that are actually visible to the client.
        A list of dirty and visible connectors.
      • isWritingResponse

        public boolean isWritingResponse()
        Checks whether the response is currently being written. Connectors can not be marked as dirty when a response is being written.
        true if the response is currently being written, false if outside the response writing phase.
        See Also:
        setWritingResponse(boolean), markDirty(ClientConnector)
      • setWritingResponse

        public void setWritingResponse​(boolean writingResponse)
        Sets the current response write status. Connectors can not be marked as dirty when the response is written.

        This method has a side-effect of incrementing the sync id by one (see getCurrentSyncId()), if isWritingResponse() returns true and writingResponse is set to false.

        writingResponse - the new response status.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the new response status is the same as the previous value. This is done to help detecting problems caused by missed invocations of this method.
        See Also:
        markDirty(ClientConnector), isWritingResponse(), getCurrentSyncId()
      • getStreamVariable

        public StreamVariable getStreamVariable​(String connectorId,
                                                String variableName)
        Checks if the indicated connector has a StreamVariable of the given name and returns the variable if one is found.
        connectorId -
        variableName -
        variable if a matching one exists, otherwise null
      • addStreamVariable

        public void addStreamVariable​(String connectorId,
                                      String variableName,
                                      StreamVariable variable)
        Adds a StreamVariable of the given name to the indicated connector.
        connectorId -
        variableName -
        variable -
      • cleanStreamVariable

        public void cleanStreamVariable​(String connectorId,
                                        String variableName)
        Removes any StreamVariable of the given name from the indicated connector.
        connectorId -
        variableName -
      • getSeckey

        public String getSeckey​(StreamVariable variable)
        Returns the security key associated with the given StreamVariable.
        variable -
        matching security key if one exists, null otherwise
      • getCurrentSyncId

        public int getCurrentSyncId()
        Gets the most recently generated server sync id.

        The sync id is incremented by one whenever a new response is being written. This id is then sent over to the client. The client then adds the most recent sync id to each communication packet it sends back to the server. This way, the server knows at what state the client is when the packet is sent. If the state has changed on the server side since that, the server can try to adjust the way it handles the actions from the client side.

        The sync id value -1 is ignored to facilitate testing with pre-recorded requests.

        the current sync id
        See Also:
        setWritingResponse(boolean), #connectorWasPresentAsRequestWasSent(String, long)
      • addMarkedAsDirtyListener

        public void addMarkedAsDirtyListener​(MarkedAsDirtyListener listener)
        Adds a marked as dirty listener that will be called when a client connector is marked as dirty.
        listener - listener to add
      • removeMarkedAsDirtyListener

        public void removeMarkedAsDirtyListener​(MarkedAsDirtyListener listener)
        Removes a marked as dirty listener.
        listener - listener to remove
      • notifyMarkedAsDirtyListeners

        public void notifyMarkedAsDirtyListeners​(ClientConnector connector)
        Notify all registered MarkedAsDirtyListeners the given client connector has been marked as dirty.
        connector - client connector marked as dirty