Class UIProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • UIProvider

        public UIProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getAnnotationFor

        protected static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotationFor​(Class<?> clazz,
                                                                   Class<T> annotationType)
        Helper to get an annotation for a class. If the annotation is not present on the target class, its super classes and directly implemented interfaces are also searched for the annotation. Interfaces implemented by superclasses are not taken into account.

        Note that searching implemented interfaces for @Inherited annotations and searching for superclasses for non-inherited annotations do not follow the standard semantics and are supported for backwards compatibility. Future versions of the framework might only support the standard semantics of @Inherited.

        clazz - the class from which the annotation should be found
        annotationType - the annotation type to look for
        an annotation of the given type, or null if the annotation is not present on the class
      • getTheme

        public String getTheme​(UICreateEvent event)
        Finds the theme to use for a specific UI. If no specific theme is required, null is returned.

        The default implementation checks for a @Theme annotation on the UI class.

        event - the UI create event with information about the UI and the current request.
        the name of the theme, or null if the default theme should be used
      • getWidgetset

        public String getWidgetset​(UICreateEvent event)
        This method has been replaced by getWidgetsetInfo(UICreateEvent) in 7.7
        Finds the widgetset to use for a specific UI. If no specific widgetset is required, null is returned.

        This method uses the Widgetset definition priority order from getWidgetsetInfo(UICreateEvent).

        Note: This method exists only for backwards compatibility and overriding it won't have the effect it used to.

        event - the UI create event with information about the UI and the current request.
        the name of the widgetset, or null if the default widgetset should be used
      • getWidgetsetInfo

        public WidgetsetInfo getWidgetsetInfo​(UICreateEvent event)
        Finds the widgetset to use for a specific UI. If no specific widgetset is required, null is returned.

        The default implementation uses the following order of priority for finding the widgetset information:

        • @Widgetset annotation if it is defined for the UI class
        • The class AppWidgetset if one exists in the default package
        • A widgetset called AppWidgetset if there is an AppWidgetset.gwt.xml file in the default package
        • null to use the default widgetset otherwise
        event - the UI create event with information about the UI and the current request.
        the widgetset info, or null if the default widgetset should be used
      • isPreservedOnRefresh

        public boolean isPreservedOnRefresh​(UICreateEvent event)
        Checks whether the same UI state should be reused if the framework can detect that the application is opened in a browser window where it has previously been open. The framework attempts to discover this by checking the value of in the browser.

        Whenever a preserved UI is reused, its refresh method is invoked by the framework first.

        event - the UI create event with information about the UI and the current request.
        trueif the same UI instance should be reused e.g. when the browser window is refreshed.
      • getPushMode

        public PushMode getPushMode​(UICreateEvent event)
        Finds the PushMode to use for a specific UI. If no specific push mode is required, null is returned.

        The default implementation uses the @Push annotation if it's defined for the UI class.

        event - the UI create event with information about the UI and the current request.
        the push mode to use, or null if the default push mode should be used
      • getPushTransport

        public Transport getPushTransport​(UICreateEvent event)
        Finds the Transport to use for a specific UI. If no transport is defined, null is returned.

        The default implementation uses the @Push annotation if it's defined for the UI class.

        event - the UI create event with information about the UI and the current request.
        the transport type to use, or null if the default transport type should be used