Class UICreateEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UICreateEvent
    extends UIProviderEvent
    Contains data used by various methods in UIProvider for determining information about a new UI that is about to be created.
    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • UICreateEvent

        public UICreateEvent​(VaadinRequest request,
                             Class<? extends UI> uiClass)
        Creates a new UI create event for a given VaadinRequest and UI class but without a UI id.
        request - the request for which the UI will be created
        uiClass - the UI class that will be created
      • UICreateEvent

        public UICreateEvent​(VaadinRequest request,
                             Class<? extends UI> uiClass,
                             Integer uiId)
        Creates a new UI create event for a given VaadinRequest, UI class and UI id
        request - the request for which the UI will be created
        uiClass - the UI class that will be created
        uiId - the id reserved for the UI; or null if no id has yet been allocated.
    • Method Detail

      • getUIClass

        public Class<? extends UI> getUIClass()
        Gets the UI class that will be created.
        the UI class
      • getUiId

        public Integer getUiId()
        Gets the id of the UI about to be created. This might be null if the id has not yet been determined.

        The UI id is generally only available in UIProvider.createInstance(UICreateEvent)

        the UI id; or null if the UI id is not yet known.