Interface WidgetsetInfo

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface WidgetsetInfo
    extends Serializable
    An interface describing the widgetset that the client should try to load.

    In addition to explicit use within the framework, adding a class called AppWidgetset implementing this interface in the default package will configure the widgetset to use unless the user has explicitly selected a different widgetset. See BootstrapHandler and UIProvider for more information.

    • Method Detail

      • getWidgetsetName

        String getWidgetsetName()
        Returns the name of the widgetset to use.
        widgetset name
      • getWidgetsetUrl

        String getWidgetsetUrl()
        Returns the widgetset URL. Can be null for local widgetsets at default location.
        widgetset URL or null for client generated URL
      • isCdn

        boolean isCdn()
        If cdn is true, the client side should wait if it didn't manage to load the widgetset, as it might still be compiling.
        true to wait and retry if the widgetset could not be loaded