Class BeanValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Validator, Serializable

    public class BeanValidator
    extends Object
    implements Validator
    Vaadin Validator using the JSR-303 (javax.validation) annotation-based bean validation. The annotations of the fields of the beans are used to determine the validation to perform. Note that a JSR-303 implementation (e.g. Hibernate Validator or Apache Bean Validation - formerly agimatec validation) must be present on the project classpath when using bean validation.
    Petri Hakala, Henri Sara
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • BeanValidator

        public BeanValidator​(Class<?> beanClass,
                             String propertyName)
        Creates a Vaadin Validator utilizing JSR-303 bean validation.
        beanClass - bean class based on which the validation should be performed
        propertyName - property to validate
    • Method Detail

      • setLocale

        public void setLocale​(Locale locale)
        Sets the locale used for validation error messages. Revalidation is not automatically triggered by setting the locale.
        locale -
      • getLocale

        public Locale getLocale()
        Gets the locale used for validation error messages.
        locale used for validation
      • getJavaxBeanValidatorFactory

        protected static javax.validation.ValidatorFactory getJavaxBeanValidatorFactory()
        Returns the underlying JSR-303 bean validator factory used. A factory is created using Validation if necessary.
        ValidatorFactory to use
      • getJavaxBeanValidator

        protected javax.validation.Validator getJavaxBeanValidator()
        Returns a shared Validator instance to use. An instance is created using the validator factory if necessary and thereafter reused by the BeanValidator instance.
        the JSR-303 Validator to use