Escalator |
A low-level table-like widget that features a scrolling virtual viewport and
lazily generated rows.
Escalator.SubPartArguments |
Utility class for parsing and storing SubPart request string attributes
for Grid and Escalator.
Grid<T> |
A data grid view that supports columns and lazy loading of data rows from a
data source.
Grid.AbstractGridKeyEvent<HANDLER extends AbstractGridKeyEventHandler> |
Grid.AbstractGridMouseEvent<HANDLER extends AbstractGridMouseEventHandler> |
Grid.Column<C,T> |
Base class for grid columns internally used by the Grid.
Grid.Editor<T> |
An editor UI for Grid rows.
Grid.EditorDomEvent<T> |
A wrapper for native DOM events related to the Grid editor
Grid.Footer |
Represents the footer section of a Grid.
Grid.FooterCell |
A single cell in a grid Footer row.
Grid.FooterRow |
A single row in a grid Footer section.
Grid.GridEvent<T> |
A wrapper for native DOM events originating from Grid.
Grid.Header |
Represents the header section of a Grid.
Grid.HeaderCell |
A single cell in a grid header row.
Grid.HeaderRow |
A single row in a grid header section.
Grid.StaticSection<ROWTYPE extends Grid.StaticSection.StaticRow<?>> |
Abstract base class for Grid header and footer sections.
Grid.StaticSection.StaticCell |
A header or footer cell.
Grid.StaticSection.StaticRow<CELLTYPE extends Grid.StaticSection.StaticCell> |
Abstract base class for Grid header and footer rows.
Overlay |
Overlay widget extending the PopupPanel.
Overlay.PositionAndSize |