Class Grid.Column<C,​T>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - the column type
    T - the row type
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    Enclosing class:

    public abstract static class Grid.Column<C,​T>
    extends Object
    Base class for grid columns internally used by the Grid. The user should use Grid.Column when creating new columns.
    • Field Detail

      • widthUser

        protected double widthUser
        Width of column in pixels as setWidth(double) has been called.
      • sortable

        protected boolean sortable
        The sortable state of this column.
      • editable

        protected boolean editable
        The editable state of this column.
      • resizable

        protected boolean resizable
        The resizable state of this column.
      • hidden

        protected boolean hidden
        The hidden state of this column.
      • hidable

        protected boolean hidable
        The hidable state of this column.
      • headerCaption

        protected String headerCaption
        The header-caption of this column.
      • hidingToggleCaption

        protected String hidingToggleCaption
        The hiding-toggle-caption of this column.
      • minimumWidthPx

        protected double minimumWidthPx
        The minimum width in pixels of this column.
      • maximumWidthPx

        protected double maximumWidthPx
        The maximum width in pixels of this column.
      • expandRatio

        protected int expandRatio
        The expand ratio of this column.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Column

        public Column()
        Constructs a new column with a simple TextRenderer.
      • Column

        public Column​(String caption,
                      Renderer<? super C> renderer)
               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Constructs a new column with a custom renderer.
        renderer - The renderer to use for rendering the cells
        caption - The header caption for this column
        IllegalArgumentException - if given Renderer or header caption is null
    • Method Detail

      • setHeaderCaption

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setHeaderCaption​(String caption)
        Sets a header caption for this column.
        caption - The header caption for this column
        the column itself
      • getHeaderCaption

        public String getHeaderCaption()
        Returns the current header caption for this column
        the header caption string
      • getValue

        public abstract C getValue​(T row)
        Returns the data that should be rendered into the cell. By default returning Strings and Widgets are supported. If the return type is a String then it will be treated as preformatted text.

        To support other types you will need to pass a custom renderer to the column via the column constructor.

        row - The row object that provides the cell content.
        The cell content
      • getRenderer

        public Renderer<? super C> getRenderer()
        The renderer to render the cell with. By default renders the data as a String or adds the widget into the cell if the column type is of widget type.
        The renderer to render the cell content with
      • setWidth

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setWidth​(double pixels)
        Sets the pixel width of the column. Use a negative value for the grid to autosize column based on content and available space.

        This action is done "finally", once the current execution loop returns. This is done to reduce overhead of unintentionally always recalculate all columns, when modifying several columns at once.

        If the column is currently hidden, then this set width has effect only once the column has been made visible again.

        pixels - the width in pixels or negative for auto sizing
      • getWidth

        public double getWidth()
        Returns the pixel width of the column as given by the user.

        Note: If a negative value was given to setWidth(double), that same negative value is returned here.

        Note: Returns the value, even if the column is currently hidden.

        pixel width of the column, or a negative number if the column width has been automatically calculated.
        See Also:
        setWidth(double), getWidthActual()
      • getWidthActual

        public double getWidthActual()
        Returns the effective pixel width of the column.

        This differs from getWidth() only when the column has been automatically resized, or when the column is currently hidden, when the value is 0.

        pixel width of the column.
      • setSortable

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setSortable​(boolean sortable)
        Sets whether the column should be sortable by the user. The grid can be sorted by a sortable column by clicking or tapping the column's default header. Programmatic sorting using the Grid#sort methods is not affected by this setting.
        sortable - true if the user should be able to sort the column, false otherwise
        the column itself
      • isSortable

        public boolean isSortable()
        Returns whether the user can sort the grid by this column.

        Note: it is possible to sort by this column programmatically using the Grid#sort methods regardless of the returned value.

        true if the column is sortable by the user, false otherwise
      • setResizable

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setResizable​(boolean resizable)
        Sets whether this column can be resized by the user.
        resizable - true if this column should be resizable, false otherwise
      • isResizable

        public boolean isResizable()
        Returns whether this column can be resized by the user. Default is true.

        Note: the column can be programmatically resized using setWidth(double) and #setWidthUndefined() regardless of the returned value.

        true if this column is resizable, false otherwise
      • setHidden

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setHidden​(boolean hidden)
        Hides or shows the column. By default columns are visible before explicitly hiding them.
        hidden - true to hide the column, false to show
      • isHidden

        public boolean isHidden()
        Returns whether this column is hidden. Default is false.
        true if the column is currently hidden, false otherwise
      • setHidable

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setHidable​(boolean hidable)
        Set whether it is possible for the user to hide this column or not. Default is false.

        Note: it is still possible to hide the column programmatically using setHidden(boolean).

        hidable - true the user can hide this column, false otherwise
      • isHidable

        public boolean isHidable()
        Is it possible for the the user to hide this column. Default is false.

        Note: the column can be programmatically hidden using setHidden(boolean) regardless of the returned value.

        true if the user can hide the column, false if not
      • setHidingToggleCaption

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setHidingToggleCaption​(String hidingToggleCaption)
        Sets the hiding toggle's caption for this column. Shown in the toggle for this column in the grid's sidebar when the column is hidable.

        The default value is null. In this case the header caption is used, see setHeaderCaption(String).

        hidingToggleCaption - the caption for the hiding toggle for this column
      • getHidingToggleCaption

        public String getHidingToggleCaption()
        Gets the hiding toggle caption for this column.
        the hiding toggle's caption for this column
        See Also:
      • setMinimumWidth

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setMinimumWidth​(double pixels)
        Sets the minimum width for this column.

        This defines the minimum guaranteed pixel width of the column when it is set to expand.

        This action is done "finally", once the current execution loop returns. This is done to reduce overhead of unintentionally always recalculate all columns, when modifying several columns at once.

        pixels - the minimum width
        this column
      • setMaximumWidth

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setMaximumWidth​(double pixels)
        Sets the maximum width for this column.

        This defines the maximum allowed pixel width of the column when it is set to expand.

        This action is done "finally", once the current execution loop returns. This is done to reduce overhead of unintentionally always recalculate all columns, when modifying several columns at once.

        pixels - the maximum width
        immediately - true if the widths should be executed immediately (ignoring lazy loading completely), or false if the command should be run after a while (duplicate non-immediately invocations are ignored).
        this column
      • setExpandRatio

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setExpandRatio​(int ratio)
        Sets the ratio with which the column expands.

        By default, all columns expand equally (treated as if all of them had an expand ratio of 1). Once at least one column gets a defined expand ratio, the implicit expand ratio is removed, and only the defined expand ratios are taken into account.

        If a column has a defined width (setWidth(double)), it overrides this method's effects.

        Example: A grid with three columns, with expand ratios 0, 1 and 2, respectively. The column with a ratio of 0 is exactly as wide as its contents requires. The column with a ratio of 1 is as wide as it needs, plus a third of any excess space, bceause we have 3 parts total, and this column reservs only one of those. The column with a ratio of 2, is as wide as it needs to be, plus two thirds of the excess width.

        This action is done "finally", once the current execution loop returns. This is done to reduce overhead of unintentionally always recalculate all columns, when modifying several columns at once.

        expandRatio - the expand ratio of this column. 0 to not have it expand at all. A negative number to clear the expand value.
        this column
      • clearExpandRatio

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> clearExpandRatio()
        Clears the column's expand ratio.

        Same as calling setExpandRatio(-1)

        this column
      • getMinimumWidth

        public double getMinimumWidth()
        Gets the minimum width for this column.
        the minimum width for this column
        See Also:
      • getMaximumWidth

        public double getMaximumWidth()
        Gets the maximum width for this column.
        the maximum width for this column
        See Also:
      • getExpandRatio

        public int getExpandRatio()
        Gets the expand ratio for this column.
        the expand ratio for this column
        See Also:
      • setEditable

        public Grid.Column<C,​T> setEditable​(boolean editable)
        Sets whether the values in this column should be editable by the user when the row editor is active. By default columns are editable.
        editable - true to set this column editable, false otherwise
        this column
        IllegalStateException - if the editor is currently active
        See Also:
        Grid.editRow(int), Grid.isEditorActive()
      • isEditable

        public boolean isEditable()
        Returns whether the values in this column are editable by the user when the row editor is active.
        true if this column is editable, false otherwise
        See Also:
      • setDefaultHeaderContent

        protected void setDefaultHeaderContent​(Grid.HeaderCell cell)
        Resets the default header cell contents to column header captions.
        cell - default header cell for this column