Class Grid.StaticSection.StaticCell

    • Constructor Detail

      • StaticCell

        public StaticCell()
    • Method Detail

      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
        Sets the text displayed in this cell.
        text - a plain text caption
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Returns the text displayed in this cell.
        the plain text caption
      • getColspan

        public int getColspan()
        Returns the amount of columns the cell spans. By default is 1.
        The amount of columns the cell spans.
      • setColspan

        public void setColspan​(int colspan)
        Sets the amount of columns the cell spans. Must be more or equal to 1. By default is 1.
        colspan - the colspan to set
      • setHtml

        public void setHtml​(String html)
        Sets the content of the cell to the provided html. All previous content is discarded and the cell type is set to GridStaticCellType.HTML.
        html - The html content of the cell
      • setWidget

        public void setWidget​( widget)
        Set widget as the content of the cell. The type of the cell becomes GridStaticCellType.WIDGET. All previous content is discarded.
        widget - The widget to add to the cell. Should not be previously attached anywhere (widget.getParent == null).
      • getType

        public GridStaticCellType getType()
        Returns the type of the cell.
        the type of content the cell contains.
      • getStyleName

        public String getStyleName()
        Returns the custom style name for this cell.
        the style name or null if no style name has been set
      • setStyleName

        public void setStyleName​(String styleName)
        Sets a custom style name for this cell.
        styleName - the style name to set or null to not use any style name