Class Escalator.AbstractRowContainer

    • Field Detail

      • root

        protected final root
        The table section element (<thead>, <tbody> or <tfoot>) the rows (i.e. <tr> tags) are contained in.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRowContainer

        public AbstractRowContainer​( rowContainerElement)
    • Method Detail

      • getElement

        public getElement()
        Description copied from interface: RowContainer
        Returns the root element of RowContainer
        Specified by:
        getElement in interface RowContainer
        RowContainer root element
      • getCellElementTagName

        protected abstract String getCellElementTagName()
        Gets the tag name of an element to represent a cell in a row.

        Usually "th" or "td".

        Note: To actually create such an element, use #createCellElement(int, int) instead.

        the tag name for the element to represent cells as
        See Also:
        #createCellElement(int, int)
      • setEscalatorUpdater

        public void setEscalatorUpdater​(EscalatorUpdater escalatorUpdater)
        Sets the EscalatorUpdater to use when displaying data in the escalator.

        Implementation detail: This method does no DOM modifications (i.e. is very cheap to call) if there is no data for rows or columns when this method is called.

        Specified by:
        setEscalatorUpdater in interface RowContainer
        escalatorUpdater - the escalator updater to use to render cells. May not be null
        See Also:
      • removeRows

        public void removeRows​(int index,
                               int numberOfRows)
        Removes rows at a certain index in the current row container.

        Implementation detail: This method does no DOM modifications (i.e. is very cheap to call) if there are no rows in the DOM when this method is called.

        Specified by:
        removeRows in interface RowContainer
        index - the index of the first row to be removed
        numberOfRows - the number of rows to remove, starting from the index
        See Also:
      • paintRemoveRows

        protected abstract void paintRemoveRows​(int index,
                                                int numberOfRows)
        Removes those row elements from the DOM that correspond to the given range of logical indices. This may be fewer than numberOfRows , even zero, if not all the removed rows are actually visible.

        The implementation must call #paintRemoveRow(Element, int) for each row that is removed from the DOM.

        index - the logical index of the first removed row
        numberOfRows - number of logical rows to remove
      • paintRemoveRow

        protected void paintRemoveRow​( tr,
                                      int logicalRowIndex)
        Removes a row element from the DOM, invoking getEscalatorUpdater() preDetach and postDetach before and after removing the row, respectively.

        This method must be called for each removed DOM row by any paintRemoveRows(int, int) implementation.

        tr - the row element to remove.
      • getRowCount

        public int getRowCount()
        Description copied from interface: RowContainer
        Gets the number of rows in the current row container.
        Specified by:
        getRowCount in interface RowContainer
        the number of rows in the current row container
      • getDomRowCount

        public abstract int getDomRowCount()
        This method calculates the current row count directly from the DOM.

        While Escalator is stable, this value should equal to getRowCount(), but while row counts are being updated, these two values might differ for a short while.

        Any extra content, such as spacers for the body, should not be included in this count.

        the actual DOM count of rows
      • insertRows

        public void insertRows​(int index,
                               int numberOfRows)
        Adds rows at a certain index in this row container.

        The new rows will be inserted between the row at the index, and the row before (an index of 0 means that the rows are inserted at the beginning). Therefore, the rows currently at the index and afterwards will be moved downwards.

        The contents of the inserted rows will subsequently be queried from the escalator updater.

        Note: Only the contents of the inserted rows will be rendered. If inserting new rows affects the contents of existing rows, RowContainer.refreshRows(int, int) needs to be called for those rows separately.

        Implementation detail: This method does no DOM modifications (i.e. is very cheap to call) if there is no data for columns when this method is called.

        Specified by:
        insertRows in interface RowContainer
        index - the index of the row before which new rows are inserted, or RowContainer.getRowCount() to add rows at the end
        numberOfRows - the number of rows to insert after the index
        See Also:
      • paintInsertRows

        protected abstract void paintInsertRows​(int visualIndex,
                                                int numberOfRows)
        Actually add rows into the DOM, now that everything can be calculated.
        visualIndex - the DOM index to add rows into
        numberOfRows - the number of rows to insert
      • paintInsertStaticRows

        protected List<> paintInsertStaticRows​(int visualIndex,
                                                                                        int numberOfRows)
      • paintInsertRow

        protected paintInsertRow​( referenceRow,
                                                                int logicalRowIndex)
        Inserts a single row into the DOM, invoking getEscalatorUpdater() preAttach and postAttach before and after inserting the row, respectively. The row should have its cells already inserted.
        referenceRow - the row after which to insert or null if insert as first
        tr - the row to be inserted
        logicalRowIndex - the logical index of the inserted row
        the inserted row to be used as the new reference
      • recalculateSectionHeight

        protected abstract void recalculateSectionHeight()
      • calculateTotalRowHeight

        protected double calculateTotalRowHeight()
        Returns the height of all rows in the row container.
      • refreshRows

        public void refreshRows​(int index,
                                int numberOfRows)
        Refreshes a range of rows in the current row container.

        The data for the refreshed rows is queried from the current cell renderer.

        Implementation detail: This method does no DOM modifications (i.e. is very cheap to call) if there is no data for columns when this method is called.

        Specified by:
        refreshRows in interface RowContainer
        index - the index of the first row that will be updated
        numberOfRows - the number of rows to update, starting from the index
        See Also:
      • refreshCells

        protected abstract void refreshCells​(Range logicalRowRange,
                                             Range colRange)
      • createCellElement

        public createCellElement​(double width)
        Create and setup an empty cell element.
        width - the width of the cell, in pixels
        a set-up empty cell element
      • getRowElement

        public getRowElement​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: RowContainer
        Gets the row element with given logical index. For lazy loaded containers such as Escalators BodyRowContainer visibility should be checked before calling this function. See Escalator.getVisibleRowRange().
        Specified by:
        getRowElement in interface RowContainer
        index - the logical index of the element to retrieve
        the element at position index
      • getTrByVisualIndex

        protected abstract getTrByVisualIndex​(int index)
                                                                                 throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Gets the child element that is visually at a certain index
        index - the index of the element to retrieve
        the element at position index
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is not valid within root
      • paintRemoveColumns

        protected void paintRemoveColumns​(int offset,
                                          int numberOfColumns)
      • paintInsertColumns

        protected void paintInsertColumns​(int offset,
                                          int numberOfColumns,
                                          boolean frozen)
      • setColumnFrozen

        public void setColumnFrozen​(int column,
                                    boolean frozen)
      • setColumnLastFrozen

        public void setColumnLastFrozen​(int column,
                                        boolean lastFrozen)
      • updateFreezePosition

        public void updateFreezePosition​(int column,
                                         double scrollLeft)
      • rowCanBeFrozen

        protected abstract boolean rowCanBeFrozen​( tr)
        Checks whether a row is an element, or contains such elements, that can be frozen.

        In practice, this applies for all header and footer rows. For body rows, it applies for all rows except spacer rows.

        tr - the row element to check for if it is or has elements that can be frozen
        true iff this the given element, or any of its descendants, can be frozen
      • calculateMaxColWidth

        public double calculateMaxColWidth​(int index)
        Iterates through all the cells in a column and returns the width of the widest element in this RowContainer.
        index - the index of the column to inspect
        the pixel width of the widest element in the indicated column
      • reapplyColumnWidths

        public void reapplyColumnWidths()
        Reapplies all the cells' widths according to the calculated widths in the column configuration.
      • reapplyRowWidths

        protected void reapplyRowWidths()
        Applies the total length of the columns to each row element.

        Note: In contrast to reapplyColumnWidths(), this method only modifies the width of the <tr> element, not the cells within.

      • setStylePrimaryName

        protected void setStylePrimaryName​(String primaryStyleName)
        The primary style name for the container.
        primaryStyleName - the style name to use as prefix for all row and cell style names.
      • getStylePrimaryName

        protected String getStylePrimaryName()
        Returns the primary style name of the container.
        The primary style name or null if not set.
      • getDefaultRowHeight

        public double getDefaultRowHeight()
        Description copied from interface: RowContainer
        Returns the default height of the rows in this RowContainer.

        This value will be equal to RowContainer.INITIAL_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT if the Escalator has not yet had a chance to autodetect the row height, or no explicit value has yet given via #setDefaultRowHeight(int)

        Specified by:
        getDefaultRowHeight in interface RowContainer
        the default height of the rows in this RowContainer, in pixels
        See Also:
      • reapplyDefaultRowHeights

        protected abstract void reapplyDefaultRowHeights()
        The default height of rows has (most probably) changed.

        Make sure that the displayed rows with a default height are updated in height and top position.

        Note:This implementation should not call Escalator.recalculateElementSizes() - it is done by the discretion of the caller of this method.

      • reapplyRowHeight

        protected void reapplyRowHeight​( tr,
                                        double heightPx)
      • setRowPosition

        protected void setRowPosition​( tr,
                                      int x,
                                      double y)
      • getRowTop

        protected double getRowTop​( tr)
        Returns the assigned top position for the given element.

        Note: This method does not calculate what a row's top position should be. It just returns an assigned value, correct or not.

        tr - the table row element to measure
        the current top position for tr
        See Also:
      • removeRowPosition

        protected void removeRowPosition​( tr)
      • autodetectRowHeightLater

        public void autodetectRowHeightLater()
      • autodetectRowHeightNow

        public void autodetectRowHeightNow()
      • getCell

        public Cell getCell​( element)
        Description copied from interface: RowContainer
        Returns the cell object which contains information about the cell the element is in.
        Specified by:
        getCell in interface RowContainer
        element - The element to get the cell for. If element is not present in row container then null is returned.
        the cell of the element, or null if element is not present in the RowContainer.
      • getHeightOfSection

        protected abstract double getHeightOfSection()
        The height of this table section.

        Note that the body will calculate its height, while the others will return a precomputed value.

        the height of this table section
      • getLogicalRowIndex

        public int getLogicalRowIndex​( tr)
        Gets the logical row index for the given table row element.
        tr - the table row element inside this container.
        the logical index of the given element