Class Range

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Range
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    An immutable representation of a range, marked by start and end points.

    The range is treated as inclusive at the start, and exclusive at the end. I.e. the range [0..1[ has the length 1, and represents one integer: 0.

    The range is considered empty if the start is the same as the end.

    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Range between​(int start, int end)
      Creates a range between two integers.
      Range combineWith​(Range other)
      Combines two ranges to create a range containing all values in both ranges, provided there are no gaps between the ranges.
      boolean contains​(int integer)
      Checks whether an integer is found within this range.
      boolean endsAfter​(Range other)
      Checks whether this range ends after the end of another range.
      boolean endsBefore​(Range other)
      Checks whether this range ends before the start of another range.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)  
      Range expand​(int startDelta, int endDelta)
      Creates a range that is expanded the given amounts in both ends.
      int getEnd()
      Returns the exclusive end point of this range.
      int getStart()
      Returns the inclusive start point of this range.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean intersects​(Range other)
      Checks whether this range and another range are at least partially covering the same values.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Checks whether the range has no elements between the start and end.
      boolean isSubsetOf​(Range other)
      Checks whether this range is a subset of another range.
      int length()
      The number of integers contained in the range.
      Range offsetBy​(int offset)
      Get a range that is based on this one, but offset by a number.
      Range[] partitionWith​(Range other)
      Overlay this range with another one, and partition the ranges according to how they position relative to each other.
      Range restrictTo​(Range bounds)
      Limits this range to be within the bounds of the provided range.
      Range[] splitAt​(int integer)
      Split the range into two at a certain integer.
      Range[] splitAtFromStart​(int length)
      Split the range into two after a certain number of integers into the range.
      boolean startsAfter​(Range other)
      Checks whether this range starts after the end of another range.
      boolean startsBefore​(Range other)
      Checks whether this range starts before the start of another range.
      String toString()  
      static Range withLength​(int start, int length)
      Creates a range from a start point, with a given length.
      static Range withOnly​(int integer)
      Creates a range object representing a single integer.
    • Method Detail

      • withOnly

        public static Range withOnly​(int integer)
        Creates a range object representing a single integer.
        integer - the number to represent as a range
        the range represented by integer
      • between

        public static Range between​(int start,
                                    int end)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a range between two integers.

        The range start is inclusive and the end is exclusive. So, a range "between" 0 and 5 represents the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, but not 5.

        start - the start of the the range, inclusive
        end - the end of the range, exclusive
        a range representing [start..end[
        IllegalArgumentException - if start > end
      • withLength

        public static Range withLength​(int start,
                                       int length)
                                throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a range from a start point, with a given length.
        start - the first integer to include in the range
        length - the length of the resulting range
        a range starting from start, with length number of integers following
        IllegalArgumentException - if length < 0
      • getStart

        public int getStart()
        Returns the inclusive start point of this range.
        the start point of this range
      • getEnd

        public int getEnd()
        Returns the exclusive end point of this range.
        the end point of this range
      • length

        public int length()
        The number of integers contained in the range.
        the number of integers contained in the range
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks whether the range has no elements between the start and end.
        true iff the range contains no elements.
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(Range other)
        Checks whether this range and another range are at least partially covering the same values.
        other - the other range to check against
        true if this and other intersect
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int integer)
        Checks whether an integer is found within this range.
        integer - an integer to test for presence in this range
        true iff integer is in this range
      • isSubsetOf

        public boolean isSubsetOf​(Range other)
        Checks whether this range is a subset of another range.
        true iff other completely wraps this range
      • partitionWith

        public Range[] partitionWith​(Range other)
        Overlay this range with another one, and partition the ranges according to how they position relative to each other.

        The three partitions are returned as a three-element Range array:

        • Elements in this range that occur before elements in other.
        • Elements that are shared between the two ranges.
        • Elements in this range that occur after elements in other.
        other - the other range to act as delimiters.
        a three-element Range array of partitions depicting the elements before (index 0), shared/inside (index 1) and after (index 2).
      • offsetBy

        public Range offsetBy​(int offset)
        Get a range that is based on this one, but offset by a number.
        offset - the number to offset by
        a copy of this range, offset by offset
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • startsBefore

        public boolean startsBefore​(Range other)
        Checks whether this range starts before the start of another range.
        other - the other range to compare against
        true iff this range starts before the other
      • endsBefore

        public boolean endsBefore​(Range other)
        Checks whether this range ends before the start of another range.
        other - the other range to compare against
        true iff this range ends before the other
      • endsAfter

        public boolean endsAfter​(Range other)
        Checks whether this range ends after the end of another range.
        other - the other range to compare against
        true iff this range ends after the other
      • startsAfter

        public boolean startsAfter​(Range other)
        Checks whether this range starts after the end of another range.
        other - the other range to compare against
        true iff this range starts after the other
      • splitAt

        public Range[] splitAt​(int integer)
        Split the range into two at a certain integer.

        Example: [5..10[.splitAt(7) == [5..7[, [7..10[

        integer - the integer at which to split the range into two
        an array of two ranges, with [start..integer[ in the first element, and [integer..end[ in the second element.

        If integer is less than start, [empty, this ] is returned. if integer is equal to or greater than end, [this, empty] is returned instead.

      • splitAtFromStart

        public Range[] splitAtFromStart​(int length)
        Split the range into two after a certain number of integers into the range.

        Calling this method is equivalent to calling splitAt(getStart()+length);

        Example: [5..10[.splitAtFromStart(2) == [5..7[, [7..10[

        length - the length at which to split this range into two
        an array of two ranges, having the length-first elements of this range, and the second range having the rest. If length ≤ 0, the first element will be empty, and the second element will be this range. If lengthlength(), the first element will be this range, and the second element will be empty.
      • combineWith

        public Range combineWith​(Range other)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Combines two ranges to create a range containing all values in both ranges, provided there are no gaps between the ranges.
        other - the range to combine with this range
        the combined range
        IllegalArgumentException - if the two ranges aren't connected
      • expand

        public Range expand​(int startDelta,
                            int endDelta)
                     throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a range that is expanded the given amounts in both ends.
        startDelta - the amount to expand by in the beginning of the range
        endDelta - the amount to expand by in the end of the range
        an expanded range
        IllegalArgumentException - if the new range would have start > end
      • restrictTo

        public Range restrictTo​(Range bounds)
        Limits this range to be within the bounds of the provided range.

        This is basically an optimized way of calculating partitionWith(Range)[1] without the overhead of defining the parts that do not overlap.

        If the two ranges do not intersect, an empty range is returned. There are no guarantees about the position of that range.

        bounds - the bounds that the returned range should be limited to
        a bounded range