Interface SelectionModel.Multi.Batched<T>

    • Method Detail

      • startBatchSelect

        void startBatchSelect()
        Starts a batch selection.

        Any commands to any select or deselect method will be batched into one, and a final selection event will be fired when commitBatchSelect() is called.

        Note: SelectionChangeEvents will still be fired for each selection/deselection. You should check whether the event is a part of a batch or not with SelectionEvent.isBatchedSelection().

      • commitBatchSelect

        void commitBatchSelect()
        Commits and ends a batch selection.

        Any and all selections and deselections since the last invocation of startBatchSelect() will be fired at once as one collated SelectionEvent.

      • isBeingBatchSelected

        boolean isBeingBatchSelected()
        Checks whether or not a batch has been started.
        true iff a batch has been started
      • getSelectedRowsBatch

        Collection<T> getSelectedRowsBatch()
        Gets all the rows that would become selected in this batch.
        a collection of the rows that would become selected
      • getDeselectedRowsBatch

        Collection<T> getDeselectedRowsBatch()
        Gets all the rows that would become deselected in this batch.
        a collection of the rows that would become deselected