Package com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.selection
Interface Summary Interface Description HasSelectionHandlers<T> Marker interface for widgets that fires selection events.HasUserSelectionAllowed<T> Interface implemented by selection models which support disabling client side selection while still allowing programmatic selection on the server.SelectionHandler<T> Handler forSelectionEvent
s.SelectionModel<T> Common interface for all selection models.SelectionModel.Multi<T> Selection model that allows for several rows to be selected at once.SelectionModel.Multi.Batched<T> A multi selection model that can send selections and deselections in a batch, instead of committing them one-by-one.SelectionModel.None<T> Interface for a selection model that does not allow anything to be selected.SelectionModel.Single<T> Selection model that allows a maximum of one row to be selected at any one time. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractRowHandleSelectionModel<T> An abstract class that adds a consistent API for common methods that's needed by Vaadin's server-based selection models to work.ClickSelectHandler<T> Generic class to perform selections when clicking on cells in body of Grid.MultiSelectionRenderer<T> Renderer showing multi selection check boxes.SelectionEvent<T> Event object describing a change in Grid row selection state.SelectionModelMulti<T> Multi-row selection model.SelectionModelNone<T> No-row selection model.SelectionModelSingle<T> Single-row selection model.SpaceSelectHandler<T> Generic class to perform selections when pressing space key.