Interface VDropHandler

    • Method Detail

      • dragEnter

        void dragEnter​(VDragEvent dragEvent)
        Called by DragAndDropManager when a drag operation is in progress and the cursor enters the area occupied by this Paintable.
        dragEvent - DragEvent which contains the transferable and other information for the operation
      • dragLeave

        void dragLeave​(VDragEvent dragEvent)
        Called by DragAndDropManager when a drag operation is in progress and the cursor leaves the area occupied by this Paintable.
        dragEvent - DragEvent which contains the transferable and other information for the operation
      • drop

        boolean drop​(VDragEvent drag)
        Called by DragAndDropManager when a drag operation was in progress and a drop was performed on this Paintable.
        dragEvent - DragEvent which contains the transferable and other information for the operation
        true if the Tranferrable of this drag event needs to be sent to the server, false if drop is rejected or no server side event should be sent
      • dragOver

        void dragOver​(VDragEvent currentDrag)
        When drag is over current drag handler. With drag implementation by VDragAndDropManager will be called when mouse is moved. HTML5 implementations call this continuously even though mouse is not moved.
        currentDrag -
      • getConnector

        ComponentConnector getConnector()
        Returns the ComponentConnector with which this DropHandler is associated
      • getApplicationConnection

        ApplicationConnection getApplicationConnection()
        Returns the application connection to which this VDropHandler belongs to. DragAndDropManager uses this fucction to send Transferable to server side.