Theme name variable in scss, or how addon can support multiple themes?

Hi everyone.
Now i write addon, that need support multiple themes. The addon extends some basic components Window, Panel etc., and in the addon scss file, i want something like this:

@if $theme == reindeer { .v-window-header-box-wrap .v-icon { color: #ccc; } } @else if $theme == valo { .v-window-header-box-wrap .v-icon { color: blue; } } but, default themes in vaadin-themes-XXX.jar not define variable $theme, for example valo, must has: $theme: valo;

I think this variable must help forsolve this problem. Tell me if i think wrong, or answer : how addon can define diferent styles for different themes?

Hey Vitaliy,

Was talking to a colleague here at work about this issue. He suggested to do exactly what you’re doing in the code example above. However, I do think you have to set that variable yourself as Vaadin doesn’t provide that information (as far as I know).