Web hosting service

I develop using vaadin on my local laptop. Once I’m done with it, if I want to move my web application to a web hosting service, what criteria I should look for in the web hosting service? Of coz, database. How about the web server and vaadin framework? Are there any web hosting services you recommend?


Hi Andy,

Depends quite a bit on the service level you want to work with.
What I’m doing currently is paying for a IAS solution (Amazon, Digital Ocean…) and configuring my own Tomcat and MySQL servers on top of a Linux box.
If you want to go for something more ready to go (PAAS), I would go for something like Jelastic. Just a bit more expensive.
You can also think about Heroku. Just needs a bit of ramp up time for the CLI commands and getting used to it.
For me the simplest thing is Jelastic at the moment. You setup your cloudlets, choose the DB server you need and upload the war.

Hope it helps



I am using RedHat OpenShift Online. They offer a Free Plan allowing you to create three applications for free based on a small gear (max 1GB storage). This is just fine for creating a POC’s or small production (Vaadin) applications.
You can select any of several servers ( JBoss, Tomcat, Vert.x, WildFly,… ) and databases ( PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB ), or other so called cartridges.

I understand Vaadin has been recently promoting IBM Bluemix, which seems to propose also a free entry plan. I certainly should give this a try too.



it’s a hard decision, and I need help, too.

We are developing a Vaadin application “like” an online school, the courses are a recorded video classes but the users must pay for each course (Pay-per-view with credit rules… I can’t explain more about business, sorry :wink: ). At the end, we need deploy our application in a host with streaming service. The vaadin video control is not what we need, we need a complete streaming service. I evaluated a small local hostings (virtual machines) with a external streaming service, but the management of the contents (videos) are very manual, and could be confusing for admins and maybe inconsistent… with the big ones I don’t have enough experiance like Amazon, GAE, Azure, etc…

From the Koenraad answer, I’m looking IBM Bluemix and it have a streaming service (Ustream), but it’s quite new … release date … yesterday!! (16/04/2015)

Any experience with streaming, hosting and vaadin?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Oriol,

Just some hint about the streaming topic:
This is something I would externalize into a CloudFront CDN (this would be Amazon) or something similar.
You can have the application wherever you need but streaming the contents always from the CDN.

I would consider this as two different topics


Thanks Fran.
Sure it’s another topic, I will open in a while. But I can’t see clear the complete solution with a separate services (hosting application and CDN) How easy is calling the CDN APIs from a Vaadin aplication? how upload the contents from my web application? how refer it? how play the contents in a embedded frame or div? it’s not clear for me. :stuck_out_tongue:


No problem Oriol.

Then thing is that, to benefit completely from a CDN, the content needs to be streamed directly to the end user. Otherwise the bandwidth the CDN has and the low latency is not profitted and you act only as a man in the middle.
The API from S3 is really easy to call in order to upload objects (videos in your case) or list existing things. What can be a bit more tricky is handling authorization over the resources, as you don’t want the users the grab the resource URL and pass it around to their colleagues/friends.



What I see for your solution right now would include, in my opinion, as you say, embedding the contents in your application, possibly in an iFrame.
In case YOU stream the contents, storing it on S3 would benefit only regarding storage price and availability (backups and redundancy as well) but not really about performance (but it’s still some value)
Remember that the CDN at Amazon (Cloud Front) is just an interface to S3 “lowering down latencies and rising bandwidth” (in rough words)

I hope this gives you a bit more information and helps a bit. Cannot give you the complete answer for permission management yet.


Thanks again!
I’m exploring your suggestions before open a new topic.

Andy A:
I develop using vaadin on my local laptop. Once I’m done with it, if I want to move my web application to a web hosting service, what criteria I should look for in the web hosting service? Of coz, database. How about the web server and vaadin framework? Are there any web hosting services you recommend?


I suggest you to choose the hosting regarding your requirements that will give you an idea which hosting you have to go for. I can suggest you several hosting providers like siteground, WPengine and the [host WooCommerce]
(https://www.cloudways.com/en/hosting-woocommerce.php) that I am using for my online store but of course your requirements is different s you can see them whether they fulfill your needs or not.