Performance When Virtualized

We’ve been having a problem with Vaadin performance for some time. When the server is deployed to a VM the performance drops significantly, and the UI hangs often when navigating views. Is there some special configuration needed in Vaadin when running in a VM?

There was a post here in 2008 about problems with the online demo that looked like that same symptoms we see. I wanted to ask what the solution turned out to be but I was unable to reply to the topic (goes to some admin page). You can search to find the topic.

We also had to abandon Push completely as it hangs frequently. Initially, this was a problem with Tomcat 7’s horrible support for NIO and WebSockets. But problems remain in Tomcat 8 (which uses NIO by default) with Push enabled.

Most of our customers use VMs so we have to solve this problem. Any help would be appreciated. We are using VMWare.

Nevermind. It turns out I was given wrong information. Our QA department was NOT using VMWare all this time, and that was the problem. We just tested in VMWare and it runs just fine. Let that be a lesson to anyone deploying to a VM.