Valo menubuttom click focus problem


I have a problem with valo (only with that theme), when i used Valo theme my menubar dont work. I trace the problem to the css (.v-ddwrapper-over:before) with the z-index:10 but in browser it looks like overwriten.
The menubar its inside a VerticalLayout, on the top (like a “windows menu”)
Does anyone had the same problem? any tip?


Do you have the menubar inside a drag-and-drop-wrapper? If not, can you post the layout structure you have in your app.

Hi Jouni, thanks for the answer. The menu its on the top layer of the Verticuallayout.
This is the snippet of the code if u want to try out.

public class MyVaadinApplication extends UI {

public void init(VaadinRequest request) {
    VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();

    Panel pMenu = new Panel();

    MenuBar menu = new MenuBar();
    menu.setWidth(100.0f, Unit.PERCENTAGE);

    MenuBar.MenuItem nivel_1 = null;
    MenuBar.MenuItem nivel_2 = null;
    nivel_1 = menu.addItem("Presupuestos", null);
    nivel_2 = nivel_1.addItem("Alta", null, null);
    nivel_2.addItem("Consultas", null, null);
    nivel_2.addItem("Trabajos", null, null);
    nivel_2.addItem("Dirección de Obra", null, null);
    nivel_1.addItem("Mantenimiento", null, null);

    nivel_1 = menu.addItem("Mantenimientos", null);
    nivel_1.addItem("Arquitectos", null, null);
    nivel_1.addItem("Consultorios", null, null);
    nivel_1.addItem("Clientes", null, null);

    nivel_1 = menu.addItem("Reportes", null);
    nivel_1.addItem("SAU",      null, null);
    nivel_1.addItem("Consultorios", null, null);
    nivel_1.addItem("Arquitectos", null, null);

    Panel pContent = new Panel();


    showBorders(pMenu, pContent);

private void showBorders(Panel pMenu, Panel pContent) {
    String style = "v-ddwrapper-over";

[/code]I try in IE, Chrome and it doesnt work with valo theme, but it works with any other theme. z-index:10 looks overwritten but i cant notice where.


problem solve, finally i figure it out.


How to get rid of this white block from the valo menu? I am attaching an image for clarification. I just want that user icon with drop down menu… but I don’t want the rectangular white block.

Looks like you have an empty button there for some reason.

Hei Jouni,

Thanks for your comment. I have two simple questions for you…

a) How do you change the color of the menu items… for example, if have menu like "
", "
" and "
" etc… and the color is let’s say pink … but how do I change it to white ? and also change the font to let’s say, Calibri Regular.

b) If I put the valo menu items and the icon seperately in the menu item than how do I arrange horizontally ? I hope you understand what I mean here… I mean, like the top-menu bar of Vaadin site.

Hey Keto,

I’d probably recommend setting the background color of the v-menubar-popup element.

.v-menubar-popup {
  background-color: white;

Or if you want, you can also set it for v-menubar-menuitem, but I wouldn’t recommend that, as there is padding on the v-menubar-popup element by default.

You could do the following. If I understood you correctly.

.v-menubar-popup .v-menubar-menuitem .v-icon {
  display: block;
  margin-right: 0;

Thanks for your answer.

Dear friends,

How do you create horizontal-sub menu in Vaadin? I know I can easily create a simple drop down menu, but I am struggling to create a
horizontal sub-menu
in Valo.

I am attaching a image for clarification.

Hey Keto,

Hmm, you could go the client-side route. Or perhaps simply show/hide a horizontal layout containing the sub menu items.

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. The menu color is not white with the above css … I also tried setting it for v-menubar-menuitem… even that doesn’t seem to work.

I’m sorry… I don’t understand what you mean by ‘client-side route’. How do you show and hide horizontal layout? Could you please give an example.

Make sure your theme isn’t compiled, i.e. the theme folder doesn’t contain a styles.css (not .scss) file.


Most Vaadin components can be shown/hidden with setVisible(boolean).

So I delete the styles.css?

Yes. And make sure your theme changes or additions are located in the .scss.

Thanks for your answer. Is there any other way … I can change the menu text color without deleting the styles.css? I put in .scss following line:

$v-focus-color: #fff;

and magically the menu text is working nicely with white text… however, when I remove this … it changes to dark blue. Is there any other way… I can keep the menu text white.

Hey Keto,

The magic is explained here:

If you inspect the DOM structure of the menu bar and its items, you can check where the items get their color from. Then simply override that in your theme.