How to close Vaadin application as Popup


I have a vaadin application that will be use in a popup into a web page. I have to close this popup directly from application. Can I do this easyly and how ?


So, I will give you some code, maybe it’ll be more explicist :

I have a jquery modal window that include my app with an iframe :


[/code]In my app, I have a button with this listener : [code] @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getSource().equals(close)) { // Close the iframe from this point } } [/code]I don't really know what I have to do. I try to call window.parent with this : [code] JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("console.log(window.parent);"); [/code] But I got undefined in my js console. So I can't get the element #dialog or other method to close the popup.

Can you give me some tricks or link to do what I went ?
