Valo - How do I get black text?

In my application I want black text (almost) no matter what the background color is, both inside and outside of fields
What is the best way to achieve this?

So far I’ve used regular css overrides, like:
.v-textfield {
color: $my-font-color !important;

As an example: create a fresh test project with the default “Click Me” UI, and just add a TextField and give it some value.
When you run this, you get a light gray background a slightly darker button and a white text field.
The text in the button is almost black, but not quite (#191919)
The text in the field is noticeably grayish (#474747)

I then change $v-background-color and $v-app-background-color to a light green color ( hsl(100, 100%, 80%) )
The button background then also changes to a darker version of this color, which is where Valo shines, but I also get a greenish background to the TextField and a greenish tint on the text, which I’m not happy about.

I want to always (?) have white background in input fields, and black font color everywhere (input fields, labels, list headers, tab labels etc)

The textfield background I can set with $v-textfield-background-color, but I don’t seem to be able to control the font color.
Do I have to override the css?