Vaadin CDI - @PreDestroy with UIScoped Beans

I have a UIScopde Bean which has a @PreDestroy annotaded method. I close the Session with the following calls:

String servletPath = VaadinServlet.getCurrent().getServletContext().getContextPath(); UI.getCurrent().getPage().setLocation(servletPath); VaadinService.getCurrentRequest().getWrappedSession().invalidate(); UI.getCurrent().getSession().close() Everything worked fine with vaadin-cdi-1.0.0.alpha2. Now I upgraded to Version 1.0.0 and after this the @PreDestroy annotated method is not called anymore. When I go back to the alpha2 Version my solution works again. What has been changed and what can I do to get my destroy method called. The Problem seems to exist since Version beta4.

Does no one else have identified this problem !?
By the way, the problem still exists in version 1.0.2

+1 Same problem using 1.0.2 @PreDestroy not called

+1 Same problem using 1.0.2 @PreDestroy not called