Cannot download 7.3.3 version via maven

Hi ,

I tried to download vaadin library (version 7.3.3) using maven repo, But I cant download them . Any reason ?
I used following to download library.

com.vaadin vaadin 7.3.3


Vaadin is splitted to multiple artifacts. For example, server and client side has their own artifacts. Here an example how you can download dependencies for Vaadin:

com.vaadin vaadin-server ${vaadin.version} com.vaadin vaadin-push ${vaadin.version} com.vaadin vaadin-client ${vaadin.version} provided com.vaadin vaadin-client-compiler ${vaadin.version} provided com.vaadin vaadin-themes ${vaadin.version}

thanks a lot.

I tried to create a vaading maven project using sts ide. But i can’t find ‘vaadin-archetype-application’ archetype . Could you please guide me how to add/ install it ? Am i missing something ?

Click the “Add archetype” button:

Thanks a lot again. It’s working.