Book of Vaadin as epub

Epub is now available at
. This conversion is not too well tested yet, all feedback is appreciated.

So head your ebooks readers, mobile phones, tablets and other devices to this URL. Feel free to post this to friends who might be interested in learning Vaadin.

EPUB readers have huge differences in how they render the text, so you should expect some problems with some readers. The following readers have been tested:



- works great (code examples wrap badly on small screens)
Cool Reader
works best,
EBook Reader
work somewhat (code examples garbled),
Moon+ Reader
is awful,
doesn’t work at all
plug-in works quite well
works great

[/list]Please notice also the
pocket book format PDF
. The text is too small for phones in portrait mode but is readable in landscape mode and of course in tablets.

Nice, now I don’t have to read the PDF on my Kindle in landscape mode any longer. After converting the EPUB into .MOBI format with Calibre, the document works like a charm on my Kindle (at least at first glance). Good work!

Now it works also with the default EBook reader in Android 3.1 and with Aldiko in 3.1 and 2.3. It might work better (hope not worse) with other readers as well.

The Android browser in 2.3 seems to have a problem with downloading the .epub file - it changes the suffix to .txt and it’s not possible to change the suffix in Android… :wacko: I couldn’t find any workaround for the problem. Downloading with the mobile Firefox avoids the problem and after that Aldiko can see it.

Tested with Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Android 3.1) and Galaxy S II (Android 2.3.3).