Theming button-link

I am trying to make a minor change to a button that is using the button-link theme. What I want to do is change the background color when the button is in focus, but I can not seem to get it to work. To test just changing the background color I inserted the following, which does not work, in my theme and compiled it.

.v-button-link { background: RED; } Can anyone show me how to change the background color when a link button is in focus?
Thank you

This should work, you call addStyleName(“link”) to the button first:

.v-button-link:focus {
  background: red;

That does not seem to be working.


Button link = new Button("Lorem Ipsum");


.v-button-link:focus {
  background: red;

See attachment for result.

Oh, my bad. What theme are you using? The example above was for Valo.

I am using reindeer as my base theme. I have some customization to that, but none that deail with the button or button-link theme.

This works for me in reindeer: {
  background: red;

I had “.v-button-link” not “”.