Valo Theme And ProgressIndicator

Hi guys.

Is there any reason why a ProgressIndicator does not appear in Vaadin 7.3.0 with the Valo theme.
For what its worth it appears OK using the chameleon theme.

I am aware that ProgressIndicator is marked as deprected, and that it is recommended that we use ProgressBar (which appears!) with Push or UI Polling instead, but that is not an option for me:

  1. Push is out of the question currently. We do not have time to refactor all of our code accordingly.
  2. UI Polling is also undesirable. We can have certain components all running at the same time doing their own polling (all stopping their own polling as and when they finish). With UI Polling, we would need to manage how our components start and stop the one ‘UI Poll’ through some central handler class, and I dont want to go down that route if I can avoid it.

Just looking for a bit of backwards compatibility!



Hi Lee, it seems the progress indicator styles are not included by default in the
Sass variable. It can be overridden easily enough, but I’ll have to ask Jouni whether it’s an intentional omission or not.

Thanks for the reply, Johannes.

So what value do I need for the $v-included-components variable?

Just to say I got this fixed thanks to your reply.

I did it by redeclaring the variable in full (getting the original from the _al.scss in the vaadin source code:

$v-included-components: absolutelayout, accordion, button, calendar, checkbox, colorpicker, combobox, csslayout, customcomponent, customlayout, datefield, dragwrapper, form, formlayout, grid, gridlayout, label, link, menubar, nativebutton, nativeselect, notification, optiongroup, orderedlayout, panel, popupview, progressbar, progressindicator, slider, splitpanel, table, tabsheet, textfield, textarea, richtextarea, tree, treetable, twincolselect, upload, window, valo-menu !default; Im not sure this was the best way, but it works.


Hi, the Book says “The included component styles can be specified in the $v-included-components variable, which by default includes all components.” so it seems the omission is indeed a bug. I think something like the following should also work in the meantime:

$v-included-components: append($v-included-components, progressindicator);

Thanks, that works and is a bit tidier!

ticket #14766

Omitting the ProgressIndicator wasn’t perhaps the most thought-through idea, but I guess I reasoned it’s not good to have the same styles twice in the output, and if someone really needs the styles it’s easy enough to add back.

If you’re not using the ProgressBar component, it might make sense and drop that from the output so that you don’t get any unnecessary styles.

Cheers, dropping progressbar removed another 100 lines from the final css!