Vaadin 7.2.7 problem on getting the message of the CommitException


I have an entity with fields annotated with the javax constraints validations as @Size, @Pattern, @NotNull, etc.
I have this entity binded on a BeanFieldGroup.

After commiting the changes through the binder, in case of validation failure, I print the message to the user. It works OK with Vaadin 7.1.8, but after I switched to Vaadin 7.2.7, the InvalidValueException that is thrown after commit comes with a NULL message.

A part of my code is as below if it can help:

public Call commit(){
try {

} catch (CommitException e) {
if(e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof InvalidValueException){
InvalidValueException ive = (InvalidValueException) e.getCause();
HandleNotification.showWarningOnScreen("Validation Problem: " + ive.getMessage() );
return null;

The code stays the same for both version of Vaadin so it seems that it is a problem with Vaadin 7.2.7

Any help please, how can I get the validation error message.

I had to change Vaadin version to 7.2.7 because of problems with the
“Session expired before push was disconnected. This should never happen
com.vaadin.server.SessionExpiredException …” issue

Can you create a ticket about this, please?

Hi, I just created the ticket for this problem ticket number #14742