Scaling with WildFly Webinar

Join Arun Gupta and Matti Tahvonen for a webinar on Scaling Vaadin applications with WildFly using Push/WebSockets as the communication channel.


Starting Monday September 8th 2014 @ 3PM CET

Post your questions below

Anyone else facing problems with the stream? Youtube says “…due to legal problems you are not allowed to view this stream.”


Sorry - Live Streaming in GER not supported by YouTube! The Message I get:instead

“Live Streaming ist wegen Rechteprobleme in Deutschland leider nicht möglich.”

Please inform your customers when offeringn sign up…

Tnx Matti but get new problem after enter “admin” in Paswort field: Message : “Communication Problem unsave data…”

What is your suggesstions about CDI injected components and getting the UI session serializable ?
( this is currently an issue in Glassfish ).

Doesn’t work either - got a “Communication Problem” exception after entering the password. Anyway, have fun with the webinar, maybe I’ll find something useful about Vaadin/scalability online.



Ah, sorry, posted the wrong link, to the admin page. This is the contender url that you were supposed to enter:


You enter a Quiz Mode with your Link

You need a username to join the quiz. Username must have at least 4 letters.

Hi, yes this is apparently a “feature” of
German legislation

Sorry about the inconvenience – however, now that it’s not streaming anymore you should be able to watch the video from above.

While in Finland, Arun also gave a “Code-driven introduction to JavaEE7” talk at the local Vaadin Meetup Group. Please find the public video below for your enjoyment:
