How to generate a Vaadin Report Using JasperReports in Vaadin.?

I want to generate a PDF Report in Vaadin Using Jasper Reports…? give some information

Maybe you could explain it a bit more.
Right now i am assuming you are looking for a way to incorporate the jasper report engine with you application.
If are able to do that, then you basically just need to get the generated report to the frontend.
Think you can just start with een simple vaadin application, just a button.
Click the button which in turn calls your report engine to generate the desired report.
You can then place a link in view that the user can click to download the generated report file.
This is basically just streaming the file to the user.

Yes. what u assuming is 100% corect…when i click on a print button it is opening one window with some charts and tables data like a report…that window is having scrollalle…but when i was try to print that window it is just showing single page…but i want to print all the pages at a time in pdf…

Ok you could try this link if you want to just print the content of that window.

I do have a question? The content being showed on the window, is it directly from a jasper report or are they created by your applications.
If the content does come from a jasper report souce, the above link also has an example of streaming a source.

I would recommend to check []
(http://) library