HeatMap in Vaadin 7

Hello Everyone,

I want trying to use D3 heatmap in my vaadin application but completely lost coz i have tried but somehow its not working. can anyone please suggest me or guide me on how can i use a heatmap (d3) in my vaadin application.

d3 Heatmap link : http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3202354

Many Thanks in advance.
Girish Jamba.

I think you should research more about vaadin with javascript… I think it is possible…
like this one: https://vaadin.com/book/vaadin7/-/page/gwt.javascript.html

Maybe you could try out the D3 wrapper in the directory (

I am also struggling, i managed to get this example working
but nothing beyound this, when passing in the json that most drawings need i get an invalid charater error even though the json is the one from the d3 site.

Did you get an example working?

Hello Everyone,

I want trying to use D3 heatmap in my vaadin application but completely lost coz i have tried but somehow its not working. can anyone please suggest me or guide me on how can i use a heatmap (d3) in my vaadin application.

d3 Heatmap link : http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3202354

Many Thanks in advance.
Girish Jamba.