Vaadin 7.2.3 is missing VaadinSession.getPreserveOnRefreshUIs()

Ok, I made some research and found that this method was removed from the class VaadinSession in version 7.2.2 and 7.2.3.

It throws a NoSuchMethodException only when the site is loaded.
Another thing I noticed, is that in the compilation of the project using Maven, it only makes permutation 1.

Compiling 1 permutation

Compiling permutation 0…

Compile of permutations succeeded
[/code]Is this something connected?

Any help is appreciated.

Hello Joao,

The NoSuchMethodException is thrown probably because you are using some add-on / library that depend on the getPreserveOnRefreshUIs api which is removed as you said. So please check your project dependencies.

As a side note - the amount of permutations is always 1 with Vaadin 7.2 ->, due to changes in the widgetset compilation. This should not be connected to your problem.

Best regards,

Sorry for the late answer, but the problem is that I did not update SpringVaadin addon. :frowning: Now it is all ok.

Thanks Matti.