Deep and complex problem with @DelegateToWidget

I’ve investigated that WidgetInitVisitor in vaadin-client-compiler gets @DelegateToWidget properties for State in form - property of enclosing Class (Not actual Class). That leads to problems with all descendants of that Connector with overridden State.

Descendants will be marked as noOpTypes in ApplicationConnection because they does not have any owned properties annotated with @DelegateToWidget.

First component with this problem is TextArea. TextAreaState includes 2 @DelegateToWidget properties rows and wordWrap. If we override TextAreaState in descendants then rows property and wordWrap will not work.

This behavour probably introduced in 7.2 in commit: 4e5d14e1e2e90c0be9f4a5b1dfb40d55d7620ce2 Ignore type parameters when looking for metadata (#12873, #12900)

I’va attached small test project with Test Java sources, Maven build and embedded Jetty. Please look at this attentively.

Many thanks for Great Framework! (7.99 KB)

Hello Yuriy,

Thank you for reporting this and especially for creating the ticket and providing the example code. This will be fixed soon.

Best regards,