Verifying client's hardware/device during login... How can I do this?

Dear friends,
I want to check user’s hardware configuration (for example, cpu or hdd serial number, etc…) when user logining to server (for security issue). Is there any way to do this in vaadin (I’m using vaadin 7.15). Such solution using some large web projects, for exapmle, facebook. Thanks!

Hi Alex.

I’m pretty sure there is no way to get hardware configuration information with any basic browser technology, because it would seriously break the browser sandbox. I’m not sure, but it might be possible with some additional browser plugin like active-x for windows. Anyways, I don’t know how accessing that information could improve you app’s security, but you might want to look for other options for achieving the same level of security.

Thank You for answer!
I try to achieve this effect analysing user’s query (browser), IP and geo-position… Thanks!

In case you didn’t know, the
provides you all the browser related information, except the geolocation. For that you’ll need something similar as in the
addon, which unfortunately isn’t available for Vaadin 7. The javascript for accessing the GeoLocation is relatively
, and you can
publish a js method
for sending the location to server and then trigger it from some user action.